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Classroom Visit Failed!

Yesterday, I went into school thinking that I could get a head start on organizing. Well, I was wrong as my school is torn up (new flooring and painting in the hallway) and my classroom still needs to be shampooed. This was fine with me because I became overwhelmed immediately after walking in the room. On the positive side, I was able to track down a two-drawer filing cabinet. I hope to clean out my four-drawer filing cabinet next week sometime. Then, I will make the transition.

Tables are against the wall. Our school's awesome custodian is taking care of our classroom pet fish during the summer! So nice!

Word wall is falling apart. Talking about word wall falling apart, I heard that hot glue might be the answer to our taping problems! I tried it at the end of the year for some other posters, and it held the posters up pretty well.

Now, you see why I could not get to my filing cabinet. It's stuck back there with all my other junk. Oh well, I can always do work from home on my computer.

Speaking about working at home on the computer... I planned on working on my yearlong scope and sequence today. An awesome kindergarten teacher at our school shared her layout with me (I really like it!). I am going to use it to see how it goes. I think that it will help me plan meaningful activities throughout the year. Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading!

Mr. Farrington


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