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Classroom Set Up Part 1

I started the thing that most teachers dread doing, setting up my classroom. Even though it may seem as a dreading project, I actually LOVE setting up my classroom. All the possibilities that come about as I set up the classroom. It is so fun.

Anyways, I started setting up my classroom on Tuesday. My goal is to create a space that is welcoming, warm, fun, and efficient. The last word that I mention was efficient and that's an area that I hope to improve on this school year. I want to create a space that maximizes learning time and minimizes down time. I strongly believe that this can be done at the beginning of the school year.

Here are some pictures from my classroom:

View form the door. I am trying my reading table at the back this year. I think it will give me a better view of the room and give me space to create my reading nook area. My students loved having a cozy place to relax.

 Another view from the door. I like how you can almost see the library. That's going to be a really cool area.

 I LOVE my new desk area. I have less space, but I put another table back there so that students can sit there when they need to relax and I can give it to my paraprofessional if I have one next year. The mailbox next to my desk allows me to put information in mailboxes quickly and I can monitor them at the end of the day. By my word wall, will be my reading nook area. I planned on getting a lot of beach chairs and maybe a hammock in that area. I also plan to add beach decor to make it cozy for my students.
 Here is the learning are. My schedule and learning targets board. There are also the calendar along with our language arts focus wall. We refer to our board constantly throughout the day.
 Oh, look at the classroom from the learning area. I like how the tables are set up. I am getting beach balls for my table numbers. They are at the Dollar Store for very cheap. I'm also planning on getting some shelves for my library and hopefully a smaller table for the writing center. I love that my guided reading table will be right by the CAFE menu so that my students can refer to the CAFE board during our lessons.
Here are my supply cubbies. In the past, I tried to avoid community sharing because I wanted students to be able to have their own materials. This year, I am not doing that. I am going to put all my supplies in these cubbies. Students will be able to pull out any of the supply bins when they need it. Easy access!
This is going to be my MATH area aka BUILD. I am changing to the MATH model for math time. I came up with some new acronyms which I will reveal later. BUILD was good, but it was too many choices for my 1st graders. So, I am doing MATH. M-Math with Someone, A- Adventure Math, T-Technology Math, H-Hands on Math. These four choices will have different activities throughout the year and students can grab materials from this shelving listed above. Can't wait. Right next to this will be my brand new word work shelving units. It a 12 shelf, colorful stand and it's perfect for word work and all the other manipulatives that go with it. I can't wait!
And finally, my classroom library is here with my fish tank of course. I moved my author of the month shelving unit in the corner to display author of the month books. I hope to get a little table with author of the month projects next to the shelf.

Ahhh, I LOVE my classroom so far. I can't wait to get back in there and continue to make it exactly how I want it! It's going to be a GREAT year!

Mr. Farrington


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