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Showing posts from September, 2015

Tee Shirt Day

Highlights from today: "We went to art. We painted using watercolor." Grace "We did social studies. We learned what is a government." Gauri "We got new tee shirts today." Max "We took 3 photos in our new tee shirts." Calum "We went to computer lab and we played a pickle game." Brooke "We did math. My favorite thing is math with someone." Summer "We chose what party that we are going to have on Friday." Ava "We worked on our ipads. We took pictures of ourselves." Lila

Bucket Filling Day

Yesterday, we filled our bucket for showing trojan pride. We worked as a team to fill our buckets all school year. We are still deciding what type of party that we are going to have on Friday! We are BUCKET FILLERS! 

Fun Friday 09-25-15

Here are some highlights from today: "We did choice time." Emma "We went to art class and we learned how to trace circles." Ava "We did PE. We did more dribbling." Calum "We did M.A.T.H. My favorite choice was technology math because I love learning new things." Summer "We did word work in daily five." Gauri "We worked on word work." Alivia "We wrote sentences about our dolphin." William "We did handwriting and we wrote letters Aa and Bb." Brooke "We learned a song in math that helps us song math problems." Joe

Chip Shop Assembly

Here are some of the things that we learned or did today. "We went to the assembly so that we could learn about the fundraiser." Summer "We learned about laws in Social Studies." Calum "We M.A.T.H choices. My favorite one was hands-on math because I like to solve things." Gauri "We went to the gym. We played team pin guard." Ava "We did Social Studies. We learned about laws and rules." Joe "We went to music and we played a cool game song about a muffin." Brooke "We did math. We learned about the thermometer." Aubrey "We practiced word work for the first time." Emma "We learned about the short i sound." Raymond

Our Day 09-22-15

Here are some highlights from our day at school. "We went to the library. We learned how to behave ourselves in the library." Summer "We did social studies. We learned about cooperation." Gauri "We went to gym. We learned some new games. We learned how to dribble in soccer with our feet." Max "We did daily five and we learned how to play bunny hop in math." Brooke " We did math. We learned about the math game called bunny hop." Aubrey and Grace "We learned how log onto IXL on the ipads." Ezequiel "Our teacher taught us how to write sentences from a tree map." Ava "We learned new ideas on Daily Five. We learned how to set up our word work materials." Calum I can count by 10s. I can read to self.

Our first blog post

Here are some highlights from our day. "We learned some of our wave words." Summer "We had buddies." Gauri "We learned a new poem called A Tasty Mix." Brooke "We went to technology." Alivia "We got to read to our buddies." Max "We went to music. We learned how to blog." Calum "We went to lunch." Emma

Nature Center Day

We went to the Nature Center for the first time and it was a blast. We loved working with Mrs. Callahan. She knows so much about nature. 

Buddies came to visit

Today, our buddies visited our classroom for the first time. We met our 4th grade buddies and did a fun project. We also started to share some of our All about me bags. 

Our New Friends

Day 4 is done and we ended our week getting to know our new friends. We were paired with people from our class and we asked each other different questions. It was so much fun. Ask your surfer to tell you about their new friend. We also learned about choosing good fit books and got to pick books for the very first time. We are excited to become better readers! Finding the right fit book! Good fit books Our New Friends My new friend Cooperative Learning Someone is happy about her new friend! Happy belated birthday Aubrey. We finally celebrated!

iPad Introduction

What a day it was at Farrington Bay! We began using our iPads by working on sharing. Our focus was team/group work to find different places in the classroom. It was so much fun learning how to work on the iPad. Also, we continued to practice read to self and began working on our 'first grade' handwriting. I was impressed. Ask your child to show you the right way to hold a pencil. iPad Scavenger Hunt Working as a team Working with our pattern block templates So much fun! Trojan Pride in the hallways!

Getting to know each other

Today was another good day and we spent time getting to know each other better. We began practicing our read to self routines, learned about our teachers and friends, practiced our daily routines, and did a fun project to celebrate the differences in our community. Our classroom is filled with bucket fillers who are motivated to get better every day. I already saw a difference between day 1 and 2. Day 3 is going to be even better!  Building our stamina Learning about each other! Monster Squeeze We might be different, but we make one big community

First Day of School!

Today was our first day and it was amazing! We had so much fun getting to know each other and learning our school routines. I was very impressed with how quickly everyone began to learn our routine. We spent a lot of time learning about how we can fill each other's buckets. We ended our day learning about how it is okay to be different. Our final project was to make self portraits to celebrate our differences. They turned out pretty great! We can't wait for tomorrow to learn more about our classroom and friends! Scavenger hunt of our school First Day Picture! Our self portraits Careful drawing