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Classroom Library Success

I'm Baaaccckkkk!

It's been awhile since I last blogged, but I come with good new ideas. Recently, I was able to get into my classroom library to work on my library organization project. You remember when I said I would do that? Well, I have started and I am basically FINISHED!

After attending the Sisters Workshop (WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND), I decided to organize my library based on genre and label each bin with a number. That way, I could also label the books in that bin with the number on front and BAM, students know where to return books. I am excited to reveal my library to my students so that they can shop away for books based on their interest level rather than instructional level. I think it will make a huge difference.

I got my labels from our brand new reading recovery/literacy specialist. She taught Kindergarten last year and decided to make classroom library bin labels. They are super slick because they can be printed on labels and taped onto the bins easily.  They are also pretty cool looking. Check out her TpT store: The Tall Teachers. She has some cool things in her store! Thanks Janelle for all your hard work!

Here is a little peek into my classroom library. There will be more pictures as I complete my classroom.

Here's a view of most of the library. Most of the bins are in. It looks so much more organized! My fish tank brings light to my library and my students really enjoy having it there! The bins are labeled by genre and numbers. I tried keeping fiction separate from non-fiction so students can decide easily.

Did I tell you that I got some helpers? Last week, I sent out an email to some of my previous first graders and they all decided to come in and help their old teacher! They were SO much help and I am so thankful for them!
He was so focused while working with the books. He even decided to read a few books in the bin because they sparked his interest. You know that I had a HUGE teacher smile.
Here is my animal characters bin, which is right next to my favorite authors bin. My students LOVE these bins. They LOVE to read books with animal characters AND they LOVE to read all the classics like Curious George, Arthur and other popular authors.

She was such a great helper too! She kept asking me what else I needed help with. I am so thankful that they took time out of their summer to come into school to help me out!

These bins are mostly fiction and now, they are easier for my students to access. They will always know where to put books when they are done reading them. So exciting!!!

I will show you my chapter books tomorrow because those are now organized too, but I forgot to take pictures. I am assessing my students tomorrow so I will take a picture then! I can't wait to meet the potential new crew of Farrington Bay starting tomorrow. It is going to be a great year!

Mr. Farrington


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