Say what? Someone asked me a few days ago if I knew what the 3Rs meant? Quickly, I began thinking of 3 different, education-related words that began with R. Obviously, relationships would be one, but I couldn't think of any other ones. About 30 seconds went by, and then I heard, "relationships, relationships, relationships." These are the 3Rs, and relationships should be at the forefront of every educators' minds as we move closer to the start of the school year. Teachers have a unique job, where they get to establish brand-new relationships every year. This unique job presents challenges, but a challenge that all teachers must take on in order to have a successful school year. We all know that a strong student-teacher relationship will go a long way to having a successful school year with each child. Therefore, we need to make sure that we focus on building those relationships. Teachers also need to build relationships with their colleagues too. We have all he...