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Showing posts from February, 2014

All school read

Highlights: Isabella: We wrote about Rosa Parks, George Washington Carver, and Barack Obama.  Cain: Today, we all read in the gym at the all school read.  Nora: Today, we learned how to count minutes around the clock.  Oliver: Today, we wrote 3 sentences using a circle and tree map about Rosa Parks.  Maddie: We learned about adjectives. All School Read! We are enjoying our books. Read, read, read Farrington Bay!

Evie's Birthday

Highlights:  Alex: We wrote 3 sentences from a tree map about Rosa Parks.  Cain: Today was Evie's birthday. Elaina: Today, Mrs. Callahan came by for Nature Center.  Alexis: Today, we counted pennies, nickel, dimes, and quarters.  Evie: Today, we learned words with the 's.  Trevor: We drew conclusions from a story. 


Highlights: Oliver: Today, we learned how to count quarters.  Aiyana: Today, we got two 5's.  Isabella: Today, we did science and we separated river rocks by size.  Alexis: Today, we read words with ai and ay sounds.  Alex:We wrote using a circle and tree map about Rosa Parks. Hadley: Today, we wrote a mix of short and long sentences.  Evie: Today, we had our morning meeting.  Trevor: Today, we drew conclusions from a story.  Evie reads to class! Investigating rocks! Separating Rocks! Rocks!


Highlight: Oliver- We learned about the hoops for hearts fundraiser.  Hadley: Today, we had a new surfer in our class and her name is Dominique.  Isabella: We have a new surfer of the week and her name is Evie.  Evie: Today, we learned about getting places.  Bennett: Today, we got new spelling words.  Nora: Today, we went to computer and gym. Alexis: We learned words with the ai and ay sounds.  Welcome to Farrington Bay, Dominique! All Smiles!

100th Day of School

Today was our 100th day of school and we had a blast! We celebrated the 100th day by sharing 100 things that we bought from home, going to different 1st grade classrooms and doing 100th day activities, reading 100th day books, counting to 100 and writing stories about life at 100 years old! It was so fun! Check out some pictures from our very busy day! We are 100 days smarter! Happy 100 Days! 100 Days Smarter! Happy 100th Day of School! 100 Year Olds!  100 Day Glasses! Making our 100th Day Hats 100th Day Writing


Highlights: Oliver: Today, we read a book called Stuart Little.  Bennett: Today, we went to art and gym.  Evie: Today, we put events in a story in the order that they happened.  Trevor: Today, we did daily five.  Vincent: Today, we did Social Studies. We learned how identify the main idea.  Maddie: Today, we reviewed how to write introduction and conclusion.  Alexis: Today, we measure objects using centimeters.  Super Surfer Reader and Writer Our surfer of the week, Isabella,  reads to the class!

Presidents Day

Highlights: Nora: Today, we read with the er and est endings.  Hadley: Today, we wrote a letter to President Obama.  Evie: Today, we got two 5s.  Oliver: We used addition and subtraction table to solve problems.  Cain: We have a new surfer this week. Isabella is our new surfer of the week. Bennett: Today, we learned the /dge/ sound.  Letters to President Obama So focused! Hopefully he responds to our writing

Valentines Day

Highlights: Cain: Today, we went to technology and gym. Today, I lost my tooth.  Evie: Today, we got a prize in gym.  Oliver: Today, we had our Valentines day party and our moms and dads came to do activities with us.  Nora: Today, we wrote valentines cards.  Stephanie: Today, we did our morning greeting, which was Valentines hugs.  Pin Snoopy's Nose! Dress in Red, Pin and Purple! Best of Friends! Someone is excited about Valentine's Day! So fun!

Last Day of the Book Fair

Highlights: Evie: Today, we got two fives in gym and music. Oliver: Today, we wrote goals for the rest of the school year.  Nora: Today, we used fact triangles.  Isabella: Today, we learned verbs: am, is, are, were, and was.  Bennett: Today, we learned how to use verbs in our writing. Kayla: Today, we did er, ir and ur sounds.  Hadley: Today, we wrote stories with introductions and conclusions.  Fact Power Game! Fact Triangles! Fact Triangles!

Perfect line Wednesday

Highlights: Evie: Today, we went to music and technology.  Hadley: Today, we did a perfect line down the hallway.  Cain: Today, we got two 5s.  Kayla: Today, we did math. Nora: Today, we learned fact families.  Bennett: Today, we did an experiment about sorting rocks and putting them in water.  Isabella: Today, we read our story of the week called I'm a caterpillar.  Oliver: Today, we drew conclusions from stories that we read.  Investigating Rocks! Rocks under water! Sorting rocks by size! He might be a geologist some day!

Family Breakfast Day

Highlights: Hadley: Today, we learned the word equivalent.  Nora: Today in social studies, we learned about trees, soil and water They are natural resources.  Bennett: Today, we went to media and art. Oliver: Today, we learned to draw conclusions from something that we read.  Cain: Today, we got two fives.  Alex: Today, we wrote stories to makes sense.  Kayla: Today, we did writing.  Isabella: Today, we made heart sentences.  Vincent reads to the class! Heart Sentences Isabella writes about what she loves!

Book Fair Begins

Highlights: Oliver: Today, we went to the book fair with our buddies. We planned chapters for our teaching books. Evie: Today, we made a book fair wish list.  Nora: Today, we had gym and art.  Cain: Today, we learned how to addition top it in math.  Isabella: Today, we added numbers to build fact power.  Kayla: Today, we did BUILD.  Bennett: Today, we got a new poem.  Alex: Today, we read words with er, ir and ur.  Checking out books at the Book Fair Wishlist We loved all the books!


Highlights: Cain: Today, we went to gym and music.  Stephanie: Today, we did a math test.  Hadley: Today, we learned a new cafe strategy about adjusting our reading speed.  Elaina: We learned how to write a table of contents for our teaching books. Bennett: Today we reviewed health.  Oliver: Today, in health, we watched a video.  Trevor: Today, we did our morning greeting. Alex: Today, we read words with AR, Ed, and ing sounds. Our 'I love to read' month project is done! Nora reading her favorite book! Elaina loves Junie B. Jones! We are reading so many books! Our hearts are almost to the top! It's a close competition between the surfers!


Highlights: Bennett: Today we went to music and technology.  Nora: Today, we got two 5s.  Oliver: Today, we health lesson on good touch and bad touch.  Alexis: We described the plot of a story.  Kayla: Today, we did math and daily five.  Made: Today, we had a math test.  Elaina: Today, we learned what verbs for the past and now are.  Plot of a story- Beginning, Middle and End