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Showing posts from January, 2014

Farrington Bay loves to read!

Last Day of January

Highlights: Hadley: Today we wrote a card to Ruka.  Oliver: Today our buddies came to our class and we read to them.  Bennett: Today we went to gym and technology.  Trevor: Today we learned about function machines in math.  Alexis: Today we used our cafe strategies to help us read.  Alex: We identified the theme of a story.  Writing Cards to Ruka! So Focused! We miss Ruka! Oliver's Card! We made a graph to predict the Super Bowl winner. 


Highlights:  Alex: Today we learned about words with the or/ore chunks.  Nora: Today we got two 5s. Evie: Today we learned a new poem.  Stephanie/Elaina: We learned how to solve numbers using different reading strategies.  Hadley: Today we learned how to add 1 and 0 to whole numbers.  Oliver: Today in social studies, we learned more about maps. 


Highlights: Nora: Today, in social studies, we learned about globes and maps.  Elaina: Today, we learned how to turn around facts.  Evie: Today we got twos 5s in gym and music.  Alexis: Today we learned different word work choices.  Oliver: Today, we learned about problems and solutions of stories. Maddie:we wrote teaching stories.  She enjoys reading the Magic School Bus! So focused on her writing! Read to someone!


Highlights: Oliver: Today in social studies we learned about direction words.  Hadley: Today we learned about assessing our writing.  Alexis: Today we went to music and technology. Evie: Today we got two 5s.  Trevor: Today we reviewed our cafe strategies. Maddie: We learned how to count up from the larger number to solve addition problems.  Super Surfer Reader and Writer Dice Addition Count up from the bigger number! Dice Addition and then graph the sum!

Late Friday Post

Friday was an awesome day at school! We celebrated filling our buckets by having pajama day and giant stuffed animal day! It was a blast. We also used flashlights to read! It was so much fun and we enjoyed every minute of it. We hope that we can fill our buckets again very soon! So fun! Vince and his giant teddy bear! Reading in the dark! Flashlights! Cheese! Oliver is very happy about filling our buckets!

Windy Thursday

Highlights: Oliver: Today, we did bowling in gym.  Evie: Today we filled our bucket. Hadley: Today we learned how to solve a number story.  Alex: Today, we read words with NG and nk sounds.  Trevor: Today is Manasi's last day.  Nora: Today, we got two 5s.  Super surfer reader and writer!

Martin Luther King Jr.

Highlights: Oliver: Today we did a Martin Luther King Jr. Project.  Bennett: Today we went to technology and gym.  Evie: Today, we studied Martin Luther King Jr.  Stephanie: Today, we did math and made a picture.  Alex: We learned about Martin Luther King Jr. and how he gave lots of speeches.  Nora: Today, we did Social Studies.  Elaina: We compared numbers using symbols.  Trevor: Today, we changed table and carpet spots.  Super surfer reader and writer! MLK! Almost done... Writing about MLK! More MLK!

Tuesday Madness

Today was a great day at Farrington Bay. We learned about a story's plot, read words with the -NG- and -nk- endings, wrote using circle and tree map and practiced our spelling words. In the afternoon, we had a substitute, while Mr. Farrington completed reading assessments. I was very impressed with the improvements our readers showed.  Here is our super surfer reader and writer from today! 

Friday, Friday, Friday

Highlights:  Aiyana- Today, we went to media and art.  Trevor- We learned about how we change as we grow.  Oliver: Today, we reviewed how to use symbols to compare numbers.  Stephanie: Today, we got two 5s in our specialists.  Evie: Today, we had a little mix up with media and art.  Cain: We are halfway done with our snowmen.  Hadley: Today, we read words with the y vowel.  Here is our Super surfer reader and writer from today! 

Thursday Notes

Highlights:  Evie: Today, we compared and contrast things from a story.  Oliver: Today, we learned words with the y vowel sound. Manasi: Today, we learned symbols for more than, less than and equal to.  Hadley: We learned about our world.  Maddie: We practiced our wave words.  Alexis: Today, we learned new symbols.  Here is our super surfer reader and writer from today!

First Cold day back

Highlights Evie: Today, we went to technology and gym.  Oliver: Today in gym, we had a substitute.  Vincent: Today, we learned the sounds that y can make.  Alexis- We learned a new app in computer.  Nora- Today, we learned about pebbles, sand and silt in science.  Manasi- Today, we got new wave words.  Bennett- Today, we learned about the y vowel sound.  Kayla- Today, we did daily five.  Elaina- We learned how to show numbers using base 10 blocks. 


It was definitely great to be back today! We reviewed our daily routines, made New Years resolutions, got caught up in Math and shared winter break stories! We were very excited about being back at school!  Working on our resolutions! The final product! Hung up for your viewing! We are excited to be back at school in 2014! Can you tell?