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Showing posts from October, 2016

Monday is a Fun Day!

Highlights: "We went to the book fair today." Sophie "Today in PE, we played Pin Guard." Camilla "We started multiplication in math." Alli " We had workplaces." Julia "Tonight, there are conferences." Demi "Today, we completed 26 and 27 in our math student book." Pratyush "Madison is our surfer of the week and she shared her poster." Nithya "We filled out our conference reflection sheet." Pranav "Today, we learned how to activate our prior knowledge." Natalia "We organized our books bins and what we need for daily five." Alyssa "We did our KWL chart." Ryan

Hump Day

Highlights: "We had our math test today." Ryan "In technology, we did a collaborative poster." Alli "We had our first day of social studies. We sorted states and continents." Isaac "We had a mystery read and it was Alli's mom." Demi "In daily five for technology time, we did read theory." Julia "In writing today, we learned about the story teller's voice." Sophie "We have a new student coming tomorrow." Wilson "We read chapter 12 in Fenway and Hattie." Emma


Highlights: "In health, we learned about differences." Julia "On Thursday, we are getting a new student." Brandon "During gym, we played a game fence." Pratyush "In music, we did a song from Africa." Alli "For math, we learned a new game called Anything but Five." Nithya "Today in the middle of daily five, we learned about the difference between reporting and storytelling." Emma
Highlights: "In gym, we played poison ball." Reid "Today, we did handwriting of the letters u and t." Emma "We tweeted Victoria Coe, the author of our read aloud." Pranav "We had book checkout today." Brandon "In media, we watched a video for the book fair that is coming up on Monday." Camilla "We were introduced to word work." Alli "Today, we got bookmarks from Victoria Coe." Jacob "In media, we learned about banned books." Sophie "In math, we did subtraction problems." Nithya "Today, we made our vocabulary taxonomy." Pratyush