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Showing posts from September, 2016


Highlights: "In PE, we played a game called shrinking gym." Sophie "Today, we 'dolphined' our gym teacher." Brandon "We did read theory in daily five." Julia "In music, we played a game called rhythm telephone." Camilla "Today, we saw a video about empathy." Pratyush "We read a book called Corduroy." Demi "We did a survey on our favorite book and 'Sam and Dave dig a hole won'."Madison

Hump Day

Highlights: "We did cursive today." Wilson "In technology, we made technology posters." Pranav "We learned about an app called EPIC." Sophie "We did narrative writing today." Nithya "Today, we went over our math homework." Pratyush "We played 2 truths and one lie in our morning meeting." Ryan "We had a mystery reader and it was my mom." Julia

Tuesday Fun

Highlights: "In gym, we played dots, lines and hoops in soccer." Alli "We learned how to play carrot grab in math." Julia "We practiced cursive." Pratyush "In music, we played an instrument called xylophon." Nithya "In music, we learned a new song." Camilla "In Daily Five, we learned about visualizing." Sophie "We had a fun time at recess." Reid "We learned about being assertive." Brandon "This morning, we did technology, which was read theory." Emma "We learned how to write small moment stories." Ryan

Pajama Day

Highlights: "We had PJ day today." Sophie "We had our map test today." Ryan "Today, we reached our 1500 goal for the Fun Run." Madison "We had recess without the other 3rd grade classes." Pranav "We got to play soccer with Mr. Farrington." Eva "Today, at daily five, first we did read to self, then we did work on writing." Jacob "We did class interviews to find out more about our classmates." Julia "Mr. Farrington read us a new book called Fenway and Hattie." Demi

Terrific Tuesday

Highlights: "We did a subtraction table in math." Reid "In social studies, we learned about being responsible." Isaac "We wrote sentences about being responsible." Madison "We had writing and reading for daily five." Alyssa "Today in gym, we played hoop tag." Emma "We had tacos for lunch." Sophie "We did a math journal page." Julia "We learned something new in music. We learned the 1, 2 and 3 positions in music." Eva "In number corner, we did a survey of our favorite sport." Jacob Also we set up our reading response journals and we played spud. Mr. Farrington

Monday Fun 9-12-16

Highlights from our day: "We learned a math game called Make the sum." Nithya "We did writing. We wrote stories." Ryan "We learned about the word mindful." Sophie "One of the lunch choices were pancakes." Brandon "Today, we played a new game called Spud." Emma "We also played the human knot." Pranav "Library and gym were our specialists." William "We read for 17 minutes today. We had a lot of fun today! " Julia "We got to check out books.: Jairus "We finished our math addition table." Alli