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Showing posts from May, 2016

Thursday Fun

Highlights: "Today, we practiced for the music program." Ezequiel "Today, in social studies, we learned about how people use vehicles in different places." Brooke "Today, we had daily five and one of the learning targets for that was I can use I and me in sentences correctly." Grace "We will get to wear our pajamas tomorrow for the program." Alivia "One of our learning targets was I can read and write words with the aw chunks." Sabrina

Tuesday Fun

Highlights: "Today in science, we looked at our plants and the learning target for that was I can make observations of our brassica and rye seeds." Summer "Today in PE, we played tee ball." Calum "Today in Media, we found out that starting on Monday, we will only be able to choose one book." Max "Today, we had daily five and we read Roscoe Riley Rules #1." Grace "Today in writing, we did one more step of our opinion writing about first grade." Ava "Today, we had daily five and my favorite choice was T because I got to read stories." Benton

Thursday Fun

Highlights: "Today, we had social studies and we did a lot of pages. We learned about presidents and different holidays." Ava "Today, we had daily five and one of the learning targets was I can use my cafe strategies to help me read. Our teacher read a book to us called Roscoe Riley Rules: Never Glue your Friends to Chairs." Grace "Today was Joe's birthday and we had cupcakes." Calum "Today, we had writing and the learning target for that was I can write my opinion story from a thinking map." Summer "We had a great time at Farrington Bay!" Benton