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Showing posts from April, 2016

Tuesday Fun!

Highlights: "Today, we had PE and we had our first kickball game." Ava "Today, we had math and the learning target for that I was can find the missing addend using different strategies." Grace "Today, Ms. Hatton came and we learned how to make stories more exciting." Max "Today, I shared a video and food from Somali." Sabrina

Monday Fun!

Highlights: "Today, we had daily five and one of our learning target was I can build background for our story of the week." Grace "In social studies, we learned that we share different cultures." Summer "We did Book Nook. We read Blizzard." Ezequiel "Today, Mr. Farrington changed our books in Raz kids." Ava "Today, we had daily five and my favorite choice was raz kids." Benton "Today, we had math and in math, we counted money to get ready for our math test." Emma

Wednesday Fun

Highlights: "Today, we had art and we looked a cave on the smartboard. We read a book. We played I spy" Benton "We went to technology and we did some more scratch jr." Max "We had social studies and we talked about cultures. We drew pictures to show our family culture." Ava "In reading, we read Tippy Toe Chick Go and the learning target was I can identify characters, setting, and plot of a story." Summer


Highlights: "Today, we had science and the learning target for that was I can tell what has changed about my brassica plant." Summer "Today, we had math and we learned how to divide objects into halves, thirds, and fourths." Grace "Today, we had PE and we played team pin guard. We had our push up and flexibility tests." Benton "Today, we had media and we got some new books." Ava "In daily five, one of our learning targets was I can use my cafe strategies to help me read." Sabrina

Monday Fun Day

Highlights: "We did music and we learned our songs again." Ezequiel "Today in math choice, we bought our snacks from the snack store." Gauri "Our buddies came to read with us." Max "Today, we had daily five and one of the learning targets was I can read and write words with the ou and ow sounds." Grace "Today, we built background for Tippy Toe Chick Go." Summer "Today, we went to computer lab. Instead of using our computers, we used iPads and we use Scratch Jr." Ava "Our plants grew a lot over the weekend." Calum

Friday Fun

Highlights: "Today, we had Daily Five and one of the learning targets for that was I can use my Cafe strategies to help me read." Summer "Today, we had math and we did math boxes. The learning target was I can solve number stories using different strategies." Grace "Today, we practiced for a tornado." Max "One of our learning targets was I can identify antonym words." Sabrina

Wednesday Fun

Highlights: "Today in science, we learned some things about plants." Ava "At Daily Five, we learned suffixes and a base word." Summer "Today, we had daily and one of our learning targets for daily five was I can read and write words with suffixes /ly/ and /ful/." Grace "Today in book nook, we read book called Cinderella's Rat." Raymond "Today, we learned how to count money with dollars." Gauri "Today, we went to the computer lab and we went to the spanish room. We played with Scratch Jr." Ezequiel