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Showing posts from March, 2016

Thursday Fun

Highlights: "Today, we all got Trojan Pride tickets because we were doing an awesome job at writing." Ava "Today, we went to the computer lab and we had a substitute. We did programming." Max "Today, we did math and we learned about symmetry." Gauri "Today, we had daily five. We worked on our cafe strategies and compound words." Grace "Today, we had health and we learned about healthy foods to eat like vegetables." Summer  We had a FUN time at Farrington Bay!


Highlights: "Today, we had gym and we did some shooting with baskets." Max "Today, we had daily five and I am going to tell you a learning target for Daily Five. I can use my cafe strategies to help me read." Grace "We went to music and we heard a lot of new songs. We had a substitute." Ezequiel and Benton "We had health today and we drew a portrait of our families." Ava "Today, one of our learning targets was I can identify 3-d shapes." Sabrina "We had extra extra recess and I played a game with a lot of my friends." Emma

Monday Fun Day!

Highlights: "Today, we had a health lesson about being good characters." Summer "Today, we went to computer lab and we worked on our May calendar." Max "We learned about polygons." Ava "We did daily five and we learned about treasures at home." Gauri "Today, we had daily five and in daily five we build background about Peter's Chair. The learning target was I can describe treasures that we share at home." Grace "One of our learning targets was I can read and write my sight words." Sabrina "We had a great time at Farrington Bay!" Ezequiel

Saint Patrick's Day!

Highlights: "Today, we did a human knot because we are working on teamwork." Gauri "Today, in music, we watching a video about the choir singing at the Twins Game." William "We had surfer of the week and Raymond showed us his favorite things." Max "Today, we had daily five and one the learning targets was I can use my cafe strategies to help me read." Grace "Today, we had a visitor named Mrs. Hatton. We learned creative thinking." Ava "Today, we had computer lab and we did our pictures for our calendar." Benton "WE HAD A FUN TIME AT FARRINGTON BAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" SUMMER


Highlights: "Today, we had writing and we learned how to write an opinion story." Gauri "Today, we went to the computer lab and we worked on the days of the week and numbers for our May calendar." Summer "We went to art and we did a fish project." Max "Today, we made cards for Mrs. B since she is not feeling well." Ava "Today for Daily Five, our learning target was I can read and write words with the long i sound." William "Today, we did our math test." Emma We had a fun time at Farrington Bay!

Thursday, Thursday

Highlights: "Today, we had a visitor and we learned about deductive thinking." Ava "We went to the computer lab and we learned a new app called kuler." Max "Today in music, we learned new songs for our concert." William "Today, we did daily five and my favorite choice was read to self." Grace "Today, we had reading and the learning target was I can identify the author's purpose for writing the story." Summer "Today, we had extra recess and we played games!" Emma


Highlights: "Today, we had writing and we did our assessment." Gauri "We learned that there are 5 oceans and 7 continents in social studies." Summer "We had PE today and we practiced basketball." Benton "Today in art, we made a background for our turtles." William "Today, we had a surfer of the week and it was Ava. Ava's parents wrote a note to our class. Ava's mom and dad wrote two different notes." Emma "WE HAD A FUN TIME IN FARRINGTON BAY!!!!!!" AVA

Thursday Fun!

Highlights: "Today, we had Social studies and we learned more about maps. We drew a map of our neighborhoods." Ava "Today, we went to the computer lab. We are still working on our May calendars." Max "Today, we had writing and we finished up our stories for our author celebration tomorrow." Grace "We had a brain break and it was in kids bop." Summer "Today, we had music and we sang two songs." Benton "Today, we had math. In math, we used our math reference books. We did a scavenger hunt with them." Emma "We did M.A.T.H. My favorite choice was T." Raymond "Today, we had daily five and we used our CAFE strategies to be fluently readers." Gauri

Dr. Seuss Birthday!

Highlights: "Today, we had PE and in PE, we did basketball and today, we could also shoot baskets." Grace "Today, it was Dr. Seuss's birthday and at snack, we read Dr. Seuss books." Brooke "Today for art, we colored our turtles and we colored in our sketched books." William "Today, we learned how to describe maps and globes and we found places of where we visited." Summer "Today, we had Daily Five and my favorite choice was read to someone because you get to read with somebody." Emma "Today, we learned how to change y to i at the end of words."


Highlights: "Today, we did a reading test and we had to read a book." Summer "Today, we had writing and we learned about how to fix errors in our story." Grace "Today, we had gym and music. In music, we played 3 games. In gym, we practiced dribbling." Emma "We did Social Studies and we learned about the directions: north, east, south, west." Max "We learned about our new sight words." Benton "We had daily five and we learned about the ea chunk." Gauri WE HAD A FUN TIME AT FARRINGTON BAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!