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Showing posts from February, 2016


Highlights: "Today, we had PE. We practiced for the Fun Run. We had to write our shining star awards." Benton "Today, one of our learning targets was I can read and write words with the ai and ay chunks." Summer "Today, we had writing and our learning target for that was I can add 3 or more sentences to my teaching book." Grace "Today, we had a musical called Seussical. It was from all the Dr. Seuss books." Brooke "Today, we had MATH and I went with Mr. Farrington." Emma

Thursday Fun!

Highlights: "Today, we went to computer lab and we put our number charts in seesaw." Ava "Today, we had buddies and we read books to them." Brooke "Today, we had writing and the learning target for that was I can write 3 or more sentences for each chapter." Grace "Today, for music, we read a book called 'The Star Spangle Banner." William "Today was 105th of school!" Max "We had daily five and we learned about the ai and ay chunks." Gauri

100th Day of School Fun

Highlights: "Today was the 100th day of school. We did projects and we went to different classrooms." Brooke "Today, we went to music and computer lab. In computer lab, we went to google earth. In music, we played xylophones." Summer "Today after snack, we watch a video about the 100th day of school." Ava "Today, we had book nook and Brooke's mom read to us." Gauri "We did a 100 piece puzzle for the 100th day of school." Max "In math, we rotated to different stations and some of the stations were coloring, math with someone, puzzles, and 100 math problems." Emma "On 100th day, of school we switch classrooms and it was really fun." Alivia

The Day the before the 100th day of school

Highlights: "Today, we went to PE and played team pinguard with pillow hockey sticks." Summer "Today, we had math and it was very fun. We learned about the equivalent numbers." Ava "Today, we had writing and our learning target for that was I can write 3 sentences from a tree map.We wrote about Barack Obama." Grace "We had Daily Five and practiced our sight words." Gauri "We did writing and we finished our teaching books." Max "We did Social Studies and we made videos of us saying what we would do if we were a president." Emma


Highlights: "Today, we learned about Oprah and we read a book about her." Ava "We had PE. We did our pacer test and we played floor hockey." William "Today, we had writing and the learning target for that was I can use the editing checklist to check over my writing." Grace "Today, we went to art and we got to draw on different people's papers." Gauri "Today, we did book nook and we read a book about Skates." Max "One of our learning targets was I can count base 10 blocks." Benton

Nature Center Day

Highlights: "We had daily five. We learned how to write sensory poems." Gauri "Today, we learned that silt is smaller than sand in science." Ava "Today, we had Nature Center inside. Ms. Callahan visited our room!" Max "Today, we had writing and the learning target for that was I can look in other places to find more information about my topic." Grace

Wednesday Fun

Highlights: "Today, we learned about sand in science." Ava "We did math and we learned about a function machine and how it works." Gauri "We went to music and computer lab. We used google earth." Ezequiel "Today, we did writing and the learning target for that was I can make a book cover for my teaching book." Grace "One of our learning targets was I can identify the plot of a story." Emma "There was a lot of snow at school making it hard for us to walk." Summer