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Showing posts from January, 2016


Highlights: "Today, we went to media and got some books." Gauri "Today, we did a project about our favorite books and I did 'How the Fox got its Color." Ava "Today, we had gym and we played cosmic bowling. We had to wear bright or white clothes." Benton "Today, we had writing and the learning target for that was I can use different strategies to add details to my writing." Grace "Today, we had surfer of the week and sharers of the week. The surfer of the week is Grace and the sharers were Sabrina, Gauri, Benton and Ava." Emma "We had math. In math, we had our mid-year assessment." Summer and Gauri

Terrific Tuesday!

Highlights: "Today, we went to music and we learned about instruments." Benton "Today, we had buddies and we read to our buddies." Ava "We went to computer lab and we did a cover of a book." Max "We had daily five and we learned how to add -es- to words that mean more than one." Gauri "We did hallway reading and the hallway reader was Ms. Regan." Emma "Today, we had surfer of the week and the surfer of the week was Grace." Summer

Culture Book Day

Highlights: "We went to art and we drew different ways that trees are neat and weird." Gauri "Today we took pictures of the books that we bought for cultural book day." Ava "We had technology and we made pictures of us in different places around the world." Benton "Today, we had writing and the learning target for that was I can add a table of contents to my non-fiction story." Grace "In science, we learned about the sizes of different river rocks." Sabrina

Flag Day

Highlights: "We had gym and we played bowling with die. It was the best gym day." Benton "Today, we went to Mrs. Rymers class and we shared our writing with the kindergarteners." Gauri "Today, Ms. Hatton visited our class. We made a page of stories." Ava "Today, I met with Mrs. Peterson and we made flags from a country." Ezequiel "Today, we had writing and our learning target was I can make sure that my story was ready to share." Grace

Martin Luther Jr. Day Learning

Highlights: "Today, we went to music. We learned about Martin Luther King Jr." Ava "We did social studies. We learned about Martin Luther King Jr." Grace "We did book nook and in book nook, Joe's mom read a book to us." Ezequiel "We learned about the y vowel sound that makes e and i." Gauri


Highlight: "We had science today. We make observations about rocks to see how they were the same and different." Summer "We practiced writing words with the long e sound." Sabrina "Today, we had book nook. The books that we read was Makeup Mess." Ava "We did writing and the learning target for that was I can plan what I am going to say before I write." Grace "We went to PE and we were bowling." Gauri "We had music today. We read a book that was a folktale called the Drum." Emma


Highlights: "We did writing and we learned how to write our teaching books." Grace "We did science today and we learned about pebbles, silt and sand." Alivia and Sabrina "We went to art and we drew wacky birds." Gauri "Today, we played four corners and Aubrey was the caller." Ava "We had computer lab and we learned how to used Microsoft Word." Benton "We had Daily Five and my favorite choices are writing, read to self and read to someone." Summer

Nature Center Tuesday!

Highlights: "Our learning target for math was I can write numbers past 100 on a number scroll." Grace "We went to media and PE. In Media, we checked out books and in gym, we played bowling." Emma "We went to the Nature Center. We were bird feeders. We had seeds in our hands." Summer "We did daily five and we learned about double bubble map." Gauri "We learned about our Surfer of the week, which is Emma." Ezequiel