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Showing posts from December, 2015

Marvelous Monday

Highlights: "We went to music and gym. In music, we practiced our songs for the sing along. In gym, we played snowman attack." Emma "We had writing and the learning target for that was I can plan and write stories." Grace "We had math and we did math boxes. We reviewed how to tell time to the quarter hour." Gauri and Brooke "We had Daily Five and my favorite choices are read to self, writing, and technology time. Summer "We learned about Kwanzaa." Sabrina

Rudolph Day!

Highlights: "We worked on our Trojan Pride Shining Star awards and we had Nature Center." Emma "We had buddies and we made a reindeer." Benton "Today, we had Mrs. Hatton at 11:00." Ava "We had writing and we did a circle and tree map." Grace "We did gym and it was our last day of volleyball." Max "We had media and we were looking at a poster for all the star books that we could vote for." Summer


Highlights: "We learned about identifying the author's purpose." Emma "We had writing and the learning target for that was I can write 3 sentences using a adjectives. We wrote a story about Mr. Zobrack." Grace "We went to computer lap and we did spray painting in kid pics." Gauri "We went to music and we watched a video about Low Max the Hound of Music." Summer "Today, we had a visitor at 3:00 and she taught about analogies." Ava "We had a great Wednesday!" Sabrina


Highlights: "We learned about Hanukkuh. We learned why people celebrate this holiday." Max "We learned about measuring objects using a tape measure." Summer "Today, we went to to art and gym. In gym, we practiced our volleyball skills." Ava "We learned about a CAFE strategy and the learning target was I can use the CAFE strategy flip the vowel sound." Grace "We did art and surfer of the week. The surfer of the week is Austin. In art, we watched the video 'The Lost Mitten." Ezequiel "We did daily five. We learned about the -ed- endings." Gauri

Monday FunDay!

Highlights: "Today, we did Social Studies. We learned about 3 different holidays that happen during the winter around the world." Ava "One of our learning targets was I can write using a circle and tree map with adjectives." Summer "We went to gym and music. In gym, we played a game and we did our pacer test. In music, we played instruments." Ezequiel "We had math. We measure objects with 6 inch rulers." Gauri "In gym, the hall of famers were Max and Joe." Benton "One of our learning targets was I can read and write words with the long u sound." "In health, we learned about how to invite people to play with us." Emma 


Highlights: "We had indoor recess today and we did choice time. My favorite choice was iPads." Emma "One of our learning targets was I can write 3 combining sentences using a circle and tree map." Grace "We played four corners. Aubrey and Emma were the winners." Brooke "We had media and gym. We learned about a famous dancer." Summer and Austin "We had gym. We played volleyball." William  "We learned about contractions." Gauri 

Wednesday Fun!

Highlights: "We had buddies. We read to our buddies. One book that I read today was The Best Birthday Present." Summer " We had computer lab. We did" Gauri "We had a new helper in our classroom. Her name is Mrs. Stang. She told us about herself." Max "Today, during M.A.T.H. My favorite was M because I got to play games with a partner." Grace "We went to music. We read a book called Miss Mary Mack." Alivia "Today, we did daily five choice. My favorite choice was read to self because I was reading a horse book." Emma "Today, we got ready Career Day." Ava

Friday Fun!

Highlights: "We did a project about snowmen." Ava "Today, our Trojan Pride winners were Sabrina and Joe." Benton "One of our learning targets was I can write about what I would do if I were a snowman or woman." Summer "Today, we went to art and we made seahorses." Gauri "One of our learning targets was I can write 3 sentences using a circle and tree map." Grace "We did surfer of the week and it was Brooke. She shared her talents." Ezequiel We had a great day at Farrington Bay!


Highlights: "Today, we went to gym and we played a game called volleyball." Gauri "In media, we got some books." Sabrina "We did surfer of the week and the surfer of the week was Brooke." Ezequiel "We did sharers today and the sharers were Brooke, Joe, Emma, Summer and Calum." Emma "In media, Mrs. Mcqueeny was with us." Max "One of our learning targets was I can describe how to spend and save money." Summer "One of our learning targets was I can read and write words with the /wh/, /ch/, /tch/." Grace