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Showing posts from October, 2015

Crazy Fun Friday

We had a fantastic day in Farrington Bay!  We worked together to write a spooky story that uses exact actions during writing today!  We also tried a brand new project on the iPads to practice our final blend words.  Our fall party was very fun!  We really enjoyed decorating cookies, making fun crafts, playing bingo, decorating pumpkins, and trying some Zumba!  It was a great day.  

Thursday Fun

Highlights from today: "We went to media and PE today." Gauri "We did science today and we learned about rain gauges." Max "We put our rain gauge in the courtyard." Ezequiel "We learned how to read books from other authors to help us with their writing." Grace "We worked on our final blends again." Ava "We went to PE and we played a bats, ghosts, pumpkins and leaves memory game. They were hiding under dots." Calum "We did our math test today." Emma

Wednesday Fun

Highlights from today: "We used IXL in M.A.T.H. today." - Austin "Our buddies came and we made Candy Corn men." - Sabrina "We learned that we can edit our stories." - Grace "We had day 5 sharers -- Ava, Grace, and Brooke." - Ava "We went to music and computer lab." -Gauri "We practiced counting up and back on a number grid." - Emma

Cloudy Tuesday

"We learned about clouds.  We learned the names of the three main types of clouds." - Alivia "We learned about compassion in health." - Ava "We did sit-ups in P.E., and we did a pumpkin game." - Lila "We made birds in art." - Grace "In M.A.T.H we had to write our numbers from 50 to 0." - Emma "We had day 4 sharers -- Ezequiel, Joe, Daelon, Calum." - Calum "In writing we learned how to use words we already to help us with words we don't know." - William "We did Daily 5.  We learned about final blends." - Gauri "We had a fun day in Farrington Bay." - Max

Fabulous Friday

"We did a special project.  We learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin." - Emma "We did free choice, and my favorite choice is writing."  Summer "We did art, and we read a book called The Day the Crayons Quit." - Calum "We did daily five.  We practiced sequencing." - Gauri "We went to computer lab, and we learned how to make the title of our book." - Joe "We did book nook, and Joe's mom and sister came." - Ava "We learned how to use a flow map to put things in order." - Grace "In M.A.T.H we practiced number models in the H choice." - Lila

Thursday Fun

Highlights from today: "We went to PE and we did the flexibility test." Grace "We learned how to write a number model in math." Gauri "We learned  that air under water makes bubbles." Alivia "We went to media and we got books." Sabrina "We had the surfer of the week and that was Sabrina." Calum "We continued writing our small moment stories." Emma

Bullying Awareness Day

Highlights from today: " We had buddies today and we practiced reading our books." Grace "We wrote small stories. Writers put their writing in small steps." Emma "We had music and we had a substitute. We read a Mickey Mouse book." Brooke "We had computer tab. We learned how to do a screen shot." Max and Calum "We learned how to do different games in math." Ava "We did daily five and we learned how to describe a telling sentence." Gauri "We learned about feelings in health." Summer

Wednesday Fun

Highlights from today: "We planned our small moment stories with our partners." Gauri "We went to technology and we had our buddies." Emma "We did science and we learned about air underwater." Max "We had a fire drill at art." Ava "We had book nook time and we read a book called a 'Home for Hermit Crab." Summer "We learned count pennies." Ezequiel

Picture Day Fun!

Highlights from today: "We did science and learned about air." Brooke " We went to gym and we stacked cups." Grace "We were detectives in science."Alivia "We took pictures today for picture day." Max "We did book nook time and we read Mrs and Mr. Seahorse." Ava "We did daily five. We learned our letter chant." Gauri "We learned how to zoom in on our writing." Benton and Joe

Marvelous Monday

Highlights from today: "Our buddies came over to read with us." Ava "We went to music and we went to a time machine to 1789." Gauri "We went to computer lab." Grace "In M.A.T.H, we got to make videos." Emma "We learned about a new game called Angry Birds. We practice code writing." Ezequiel "We had a visitor for book nook and it was my mom." Summer "Today, we used our cafe strategies to help us read." Raymond "We learned about the naming part and action part of sentences." Joe

Science Day

Highlights from today: "We made our science journals." Grace "In M.A.T.H, we videotaped ourselves counting by 5s and 10s." Brooke "We went to P.E. and music. In gym, I liked the new game called wall soccer." Lila "We got to learn about air and weather." Ava and Calum "In daily five, I read with Mr. Farrington." Emma "We did daily five. My favorite part was reading." Joe "We got videotaped for Ms. Busch's college." Calum "Today is Sabrina's birthday." Gauri

Wonderful Wednesday

Highlights from our day: "We went to art. We drew like an artist." Sabrina and Gauri "We went to technology and we did some sort of program." Grace "We did book nook. We finished up a book with Mrs. Blake. It was called What is your favorite animal." Ava "We played four corners." Max "We did math. We practiced numbers on the calculator. We practiced unit labels." William, Gauri, Joe, Calum "We did writing. We learned how to touch, tell, sketch, write." Joe

New Student at Farrington Bay

Highlights from our day: "We got a new friend in our class. His name Daelon." Brooke "We did Daily Five." Gauri "We went to the library and we got books." Sabrina "We had gym. We learned about playing soccer." Grace "We did morning work. We practiced making our sight words." Aubrey "We did our small moment writing." Emma "We read a book called 'Night of the Veggie Monster.' Calum "We did Social Studies. We learned about the American Flag and American Symbols." Joe "We did handwriting." Ava Our new friend, Daelon!


Highlights from today: "We did daily five and we got to pick our own choices." Brooke "We had buddy time." Grace "We had a guest reader." Guari "We went to technology. We learned how to click drag." Alivia "We had math. We learned how to count up and back number grid." Lila "We learned how to write a small moment story." Ava "We did M.A.T.H. My favorite choice was M. I had so much fun." Ezequiel "We went to music. We learned the muffin man song." Calum  Daily Five Choice for the first time Summer! Brooke with her buddy William with his buddy!