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Showing posts from April, 2015

Day 147

Highlights:  "Today, we learn how to add and subtract two digit numbers." Yojit "Today, we had gym outside. We used fox tails to throw." Jeremy  "Today, we learned how to write acrostic poems." Akshara  "Today, I check out May Magic." Megan  "Today, we learned how to add and subtract two digit numbers." Samantha  "Today in project time, we did acrostic poems about spring and we use water paint to paint them." Emma

Day 145

HIghlights:  "Today in science, we set up our journals and we are going to be learning about plants." Emma  "Today, we did scratch junior in technology." Navin  "Today, we learned how to solve number grid puzzles." Akshara  "Today, we put events that happen in a story in order." Sage  "Today, we started a new expository story about our favorite friend." Lola  "Today, we went to computer lab and music." Yojit 

Day 144

Highlights: "Today in gym, we went outside and practiced our kickball skills." Ruby  "Today in Social Studies, we got to google hangout with our new principal." Natalia  "Today, we had art and gym." Navin "Today in math choice, we BUILT our math skills." Lola  "Today in snack store, we had puffs, fruit roll ups and nurtigrain bars." Jeremy  "Today, we finished a book with Mrs. Blake." Samantha  "Today in art, we started a new project about Caveman." Emma  Our Cashiers for the day We got to google hangout Learning about Hawaii through a video call Our adjective garden is ready to go!

Day 142

Highlights: "Today at the Snack Store, we had chips, cheetos, chocolate chip bars, nutri-grain bars, and mini grams." Emma "Today, we had gym and music. In gym, we played a game like tee-ball." Navin "We learned how to count forward and backwards by 10s using a number grid." Akshara "Today in music, we did a few songs. We sang Baby Buluga and Brush your Teeth." Jeremy  "Today in social studies, we wrote about our culture. We described our food, shelther, holidays and food." Lola  "In music, we played a game called Jim, Jam and Joe. It was fun." Ella  Our cashier for the day Writing Questions for our Culture Visit All about our Cultures

Day 141

Highlights: "Today, we learned about giving advice." Akshara  "Today in gym, we played tee ball. We learned new rules." Jeremy  "Today, we did an activity for Earth Day with our buddies." Sage  "Today, we had social studies and we learned about Earth Day."Ruby "Today, we had our math test." Samantha "Today, we had buddies and it is Earth Day." Natalia  Farrington Bay Snack Store Our Earth Day Book Earth Day Project with our Buddies Buddy Time We LOVE our buddies!

Day 140

Highlights: "In computer lab, we went to a different class and we learned some new using the iPads," Ella  "Today, we used an app called scratch it jr." Jeremy  "Today for social studies, we finished our unit about cultures." Emma  "Today, we reviewed for our math test on Wednesday." Keimyia  "Today, we went to technology and music." Navin  "Today, we identified synonyms." Montana  "Today, Tarik was snack store cashier." Sincere "Today, we identified characters, setting and plot of a story." Samantha  Our Cashiers for the day

Day 139

Highlights: "Today in art, we finished our water lilies." Srikar  "Today, we had art and gym." Navin "Today in gym , we played tee ball." Jeremy  "Today, we found missing numbers in addition and subtraction facts." Montana  "Today, we learned about graphic sources in social studies." Samantha  "Today, we got our new spelling words." Ella  "In daily five, I did word work and read to self." Keimyia  Our Snack Store Cashiers We can count money!

Day 138

Highlights: "Today, we had free choice." Ella  "Today, it was my birthday." Jeremy  "Today in free choice, Akshara and I did pic collage." Samantha "Today, we had media and art." Navin  "Today was our spelling test. We had cupcakes for Jeremy's birthday." Emma  "Today, we learned fractional part of a set."Akshara  "Today in media, we read the book Golidlocks and the three bears." Sincere Happy Birthday! Birthday Treats Yummy! The birthday boy got a special cupcake...Oreo! Tastes so good!

Day 137

Highlights: "Today, we practiced for a tornado drill." Natalia "Today, we learned about fractional parts." Akshara  "Today in gym, we played kickball." Srikar  "Today, we learned the difference between historical facts and fiction." Lola  "Today, we identified antonyms." Sage  "Today in music, we are getting ready for our first grade program." Emma  "Today, we learned about fractions." Samantha  "Today, we went to gym and music." Navin  "Today, we sang Frosty the Snowman." Sincere Fraction Practice on IXL Math Fraction Sort during Math Choice Time

Day 136

Highlights: "Today, we had a field trip and we went to a theater to watch one dog canoe." Jeremy  "Today, we Hennepin county library and some of us got library cards." Sage  "Today, we had buddies outside." Lola  Learning about the Public Library One Dog Canoe All ready to go Snack Store Reading on the Hill with our 4th grade buddies The weather is too lovely not to do a little reading outside

Day 135

Highlights:  "Today in snack, we had our snack store. We had computer lab and music." Montana  "Today in computer lab, we used comic life and we made a comic about feelings." Jeremy  "Today in social studies, we described people that we celebrate." Sage  "Today in music, we sang songs." Elliott "Today, we learned how to divided objects into equal parts." Akshara  "Today, we had lunch and recess." Sincere "Today, we had an extra recess." Samantha 

Day 134

Highlights: "Today, we learned about the suffixes -ful- and -ly-. " Sage  "Today, we read a book called 'One Dog Canoe.' Samantha  "Today in gym, we played team pinguard." Ruby  "Today, we started the snack shop. We also did a pacer test." Montana  "Today in Social Studies, we learned more about culture." Jeremy  "Today in the snack store, Sage and Navin were the cashiers." Emma  "Today in our snack shop, the choices were pudding, kettle corn, and nutri-grain bar." Srikar  Our Snack Store is ready to go! Take a look at our snack store cashiers!

Day 133

Highlights: "Today in choice time, Srikar and I made shark world." Elliott  "In art, we had a substitute and we worked on our umbrella project." Ella  "Today, we had free choice instead of math choice." Megan  "Today, we learned about family traditions." Akshara  "Today in art, we were the first class to get a 5." Srikar  "Today, we finished up our expository stories." Lola  "Today in Mrs. Solberg room, we watched Harry Tortoise." Sincere "Today in media, we learned about poetry." Emma "Today, we had media and art." Navin  Star Writers Friday means Free Choice Time! Reflecting on positive friend interactions


Highlights: "Today, we learned about family customs." Samantha  "Today, we used base 10 blocks because we did base 10 riddles." Jeremy  "Today, we wrote an expository story." Montana  "Today in social studies, we learned about other family's cultures." Ruby  "Today, we learned a cafe strategy called tune into interesting words."Navin  "Today, we had gym and music." Srikar "Today, we had our sit up test in gym." Jeremy  "Today, we found a penny from a different country." Megan  "Today in music, we learned a new song called baby buluga." Emma Publishing our non-fiction stories

Day 131

Highlights: "Today, we learn how to tell time to the five minutes." Sage  "Today, we learned how to write a expository." Akshara  "Today was day one and we had nature center." Navin  "In math, we learned about clocks and we got two marbles because we worked so hard." Ella  "Today, we had our pacer test in gym." Montana "Today, we learned a new CAFE strategy called adjust reading speed." Jeremy  "Today, we identified the characters, setting and plot of a story." Ruby  A visit from our Naturalist A closer look at the eagle cam

Day 130

Highlights: "Today in music, we played a freeze dance." Keimyia  "Today, we learned about the dollar." Sage  "In math choice, we learned a new game called one dollar exchange." Ella  "Today, we identified compound words." Natalia  "Yesterday, I got a new dog." Navin  "Today in computer lab, we posted our names so other people could see it." Megan  "Today, we identified the dollar." Montana "Today in social studies, we learned more about culture." Srikar  New Math Game Author of the Month

Day 129

Highlights: "Today, we had art and gym. In art, we painted our umbrella." Montana  "Today in gym, we played tee ball." Samantha  "Today, we reviewed our rules in the classroom." Ruby  "Today, we learned how to read words with ue, ew and ui sounds." Natalia  "Today, we did social studies. In social studies, we described our culture." Sage  "Today in math, our learning target was 'I can count coins." Emma  Ready to Learn after an awesome spring break! Learning how to be a good friend!