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Showing posts from January, 2015

Day 90

Hightlights: "Today in technology, we did stratch." Jeremy  "Today in music, we played 'pass the plate'." Megan  "Today in music, we read one book and played two games." Montana  "Today, we did a project." Sage  "Today, we had free choice." Samantha  "Today, we identified the theme of a story." Lola  "Today in project time, we learned how to use spelling city on our iPads."  Getting ready for I love to read month

Day 89

Highlights:  "Today, we had art and gym." Sage  "Today in gym, Elliott raised money for our fundraiser so he earned a reward." Emma  "Today, we wrote about Ms. Keffeler." Ruby  "Today, we learned about clay." Srikar  "Today in gym, we had free basketball time." Jeremy  "Today, we finished our writing about Ms. Keffeler." Montana 

Day 88

Highlights: "We identified verbs." Lola  "Today in math, we did a practice test." Ruby  "Today, we went media and art." Ella  "Today, we continued to work on our book project." Srikar  Today in art, we glittered our snow globes." Jeremy  "In media, we read Dr. Seuss books." Sincere  "Today in media, we read a book called 'If I ran the zoo." Megan  "Today, we did writing about Ms. Keffeler." Emma 

Tuesday 1-27-15

Highlights: "We went to gym and music and we had our surfer of the week." Ella  "Today in gym, Emma got a splatter duck for returning her sheet." Emma  "Today, we made 'I love to read' book projects about our favorite book." Srikar  "Today, we learned about the theme of a story." Akshara  "Today in gym, we got to shoot baskets and we practiced dribbling." Keimyia  "Today in music, we went in a time machine and we went back in time to 1787 to 2015." Tarik  "Today, we had lunch and recess." Ruby  Favorite Book Project for "I Love to Read' Month We love to share our learning Favorite Book Projects

Monday 1-26-15

Highlights: "Today, we had a new poem called 'Moving from New York.' Megan  "Today in gym, we learned about saving people's lives." Emma  "We went to gym and technology." Ella  "Today in science, we learned about the smallest rock." Akshara  "Today, we had new spelling words." Montana  "Today in gym, we played basketball." "In computer lab, we learned how to make characters talk." Navin  "Today, we had buddies." Srikar  Reading with Buddies Buddies We love to read to our buddies

Trojan Pride Assembly

Highlights: "Today in computer lab, we got to use scratch." Elliott "Today in science, we learned about the smallest rock." Montana  "We went to computer lab and music." Lola  "Today, we went to the Trojan Pride Shining Stars assembly." Srikar  "I got a Trojan Pride Shining Star award." Navin  "Today, we went to music and played the drums." Megan  Investigating Sand Trojan Pride Shining Stars Assembly

Cosmic Bowling

Highlights:  "We learned that we can separate river rocks by size." Samantha  "We can find sums for addition facts." Lola  "Today in gym, we did cosmic bowling." Jeremy  "We went gym and art. In art, we did our snowman." Ella  "Today in gym, we got signs on our hands to glow during cosmic bowling." Elliott  "Today, we reviewed our CAFE strategies." Srikar  "Today in art, some of us put glitter in our snowglobes." Emma 

Friday Fun

Highlights:  "Today in gym, we did bowling." Ruby  "We went to gym and music." Ella  "Today, we had buddies." Montana  "Today, we learned how to find turnaround facts." Lola  "Today, we had free choice." Samantha 

Nature Center Day

Highlights:  "Today, we made bookmarks for 'I Love to Read' month." Emma  "We went to gym and technology." Navin "Today in gym, we did bowling with dice." Jeremy  "Today, we went to the Nature Center." Srikar  "Today in Nature Center, we fed the animals." Ruby  "Today in math, we learned how to find sums." Lola 


Highlights from today:  "We went to computer lab and music." Ella  "Today, we did a project about Martin Luther King Jr." Natalia  "We learned about compound words like cupcake." Lola  "Today in music, we watched a video about Martin Luther King Jr." Emma  "Today at computer lab, we learned how to use command Q." Srikar  "We learned how to solve numbers." Yojit 

Monday, Monday

Highlights from our day: "Today, we learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." Lola  "Today, we had art and media." Sage  "Today, we did surfer of the week." Ruby  "Today, Elliott shared his poster." Emma  "Elliott led a game called four corners." Megan  "In math, we learned how to compare different weights of animals." Keimyia 

Snowy Day

Highlights from today: "Today, we learned about verbs." Ruby "Today in gym, we did some more bowling and we got new teams." Megan  "Today in science, we learned how rocks are alike and different." Akshara " Today, we wrote 3 sentences using a circle and tree map." Montana  "Today, we investigated rocks in science." Srikar  "Today in technology, we learned how to scratch." Sage  "Today, we learned what happens when we rub rocks together." Jeremy  "Today, we word building." Emma  Investigating Rocks How are rocks alike and different? Looking at rocks using magnifying glasses

Wednesday Fun

Highlights from today: "We used symbols to compare numbers in math." Lola  "Today in writing, we learned how to write steps." Akshara  "Today, we had a new math with someone game called base 10 exchange." Ruby  "Today in music, we learned how to play drums." Emma  "Today, we had indoor recess." Srikar  "I made it to 300 on my number scroll." Megan  "On math choice, I got up to 200!" Elliott  Base-10 Exchange

Frigid Tuesday

Highlights: "Today, we set up our new science journals." Lola  "Today in gym, we started our bowling unit." Jeremy "Today, we learned how to use describing words in our writing." Sage  "Today, we used base 10 blocks to show numbers." Akshara  "Today, we had cupcakes for my birthday." Montana  "Today, we learned how to tell how things are alike and different." Samantha  Reading! Birthday Cupcakes

Happy New Year

Highlights from today: "Today, we made happy new year hats and we got to color them. I made mind like a rainbow." Jeremy  "Today, we learned what a New Year Resolution is." Akshara  "Today, we made 2015 flip books." Sage  "We used base 10 blocks to show numbers in math." Lola  "Today, at media, we made a snowman." Montana  "Today, we learned what sound the y vowel makes." Srikar  "We went to media and art. " Ella  Happy New Years! 2015! Working on our New Year Resolutions