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Showing posts from October, 2014

Fall Party

Highlights: Today was an awesome Friday. We completed our first spelling test, did daily five, learned about telling time, and had a bunch of surprises. Ask your child about it. We ended our day with our fall party. It was so much fun. 


Highlights:  "Today in writing, if we don't use finger spaces, our work will be sloppy." Srikar  "In writing, we learned how to use small steps." Montana  "We learned how to tell time to the half hour." Akshara  "Today in gym, there were different team behind cones and we worked together to complete a challenge." Jeremy  "Today, we learned how to identify the main idea of a story." Lola  "We learned the main idea of a story." Sage  "We technology and gym." Natalia 


Highlights:  "We learned about odd and even numbers." Sage  "Today in technology, we learned how to make a whole word bigger and change colors of words." Jeremy  "We learned how to identify the main idea of story." Samantha  "We learned about needs and wants in social studies." Montana "Today, we had different games in math." Srikar  "Today, we learned about nouns." Ruby "We learned how to add and subtract on number line." Askhara 


Highlights: "Today, we learned how to bring our characters to life." Ruby  "We learned the main idea of a story." Sage  "We added words to our taxonomy in science." Lola  "I can count on a number line." Tarik  "In gym, we tried to knock down pumpkins." Jeremy  "In handwriting, we did the letter Jj." Emma  "We learned how to read and write words with sh and th." Yojit  Even and Odd Math Journal Time Math with Someone Math Journal Time


Highlights:  "We learned how people get what they need." Akshara  "We read and wrote our sight words." Montana  "Today at the media center, we read a monster book." Srikar  "We learned about odd and even numbers." Jeremy "We had art and media." Sage  "We practiced our spelling words and in art we finished our birds." Emma  "I can read and write words with the vowel sound in ball." Tarik 

Friday fun

Highlights: "Today, we learned how to find patterns on numbers." Lola "We went gym and music." Ella "We learned that if you use your cafe strategies, it will help you become a better reader." Samantha "We had a project with our buddies." Navin "In gym, there were pumpkins set up on mats and we knocked them over with balls." Montana  "I can find patterns in numbers." Tarik  "Today, we planned our small moment stories with partners." Akshara  "In the morning meeting, we did a 30 second greeting." Ruby  "We did free choice." Sage  Learning about the steps to carving a pumpkin Buddy Time! Our pumpkins are done! Pumpkin Carvings!

Thursday Thursday

Highlights:  "We learned a wind vane in science today." Sage  "Today, we did short u practice." Ruby  "Today, we learned how to make our stories a smaller topic." Lola  "We went technology and gym." Tarik  "We learned even and odd numbers." Akshara  "Today was day 1 so some people shared." Srikar  "Today, we learned how to write sentences that begin with capital and end with periods." Yojit  "We learned how to identify things that happen in a story." Emma 

Stop Bullying

Highlights: "Today, we learned how to do patterns." Akshara  "Today, we tested how pinwheels work." Srikar  "We looked at how pinwheels and anemometers are the same." Montana  "We learned how to identify why things happen in our story. It is cause and effect." Samantha  "We went to computer lab and music." Navin  We are UNITE Dressed in orange One big happy FAMILY!

Tuesday fun

Highlights: "We learned how to use our new math journal." Lola  "We did daily five." Keimyia "We went to gym and art. We played games in gym. We made birds at art." Ella "We learned how to make 5 in math." Jeremy  "Today in gym, we had a substitute." Yojit "We did science and studied wind." Navin  "Today, we had a math test." Srikar  "In writing, we learned how to use different strategies to spell words." Samantha  Lunch with Mr. Farrington Guided Reading with our whisper phones Catching cool things happening at Farrington Bay

Welcome back

Highlights:  "We did math." Keimyia  "We reviewed for our math test." Emma "We did health. We learned about the parts of our body and how to keep it safe." Jeremy  "We went to the library and art." Ella  "It was our first time doing spelling." Samantha  "We did math choice." Natalia  "Today, we learned how to sort our spelling words." Yojit  "In handwriting, we wrote the letter Gg." Akshara  "Today, we walked around the school." Srikar 

Tee shirts today

Highlights: "We read to our buddies on the hill." Montana  "At gym, we did push ups and played pin guards." Jeremy  "Sage wasn't here today." Megan  "We learned how to count money again today." Lola  "Today, we did gym and music." Ruby  "Lola's mom came to read today." Emma "Today, we learned how to write small moment stories by learning how to revise." Srikar  Rocking our new shirts Revising our small moment stories Reading on the hill with our buddies We love to read! Reading is so much more fun on a nice fall day! Happy Reading! READ!


Highlights from today: "We went to gym and technology." An in  "We learned about what a leader is at our assembly." Montana "We learned to pick good fit books." Lola "In writing, we finished our small moment stories by adding something new." Ruby  "In gym, we did a fitness test." Samantha "Today in technology, we typed our kid picks." Srikar "Today, we went to the assembly." Yojit "We went to an assembly and learned about every day leaders." Yojit


Highlights "We finished our social studies unit and we did a test." Akshara  "In music, we read a book. In writing, we learned about small moment stories." Samantha  "In technology, we took pictures with our books and ourselves." Srikar  "We went to technology and music."Naivn  "We played instruments in music." Keimyia  "We did math. We solved number stories." Ella "We learned about using cafe strategies." Jeremy  "In choice time in math, we made binders for our math games." Ruby Working on Social Studies Review as a team! Social Studies Teamwork!

Trojan Pride Day

We had a very fun day at Farrington bay. We celebrated Trojan pride at our school. It was spirit day. Today, we learned about bus safety. We also did a fun project after reading the book 'the Very Busy First Spider.' Finally, we learned about number stories. Have a great weekend!  The Very Busy First Grade! Trojan Pride Day! Sharing time! Bus Safety Always wait for the thumbs up from the bus driver! Go Wayzata!


Highlights from today: "In science, we learned how to measure rain." Ruby "In art today, we colored Rex's and random." Samantha  "In math, we learned pennies and nickel." Elliott "In media, our media teacher read Tarik's book that he made." Keimyia "We had snack." Jeremy  "We went to media and art." Navin  "We learned about number stories." Tarik  "We did closing circle." Emma  "We learned how to organize our writing." Lola Playing Penny-Nickel Exchange!

Wednesday fun

Highlights from today: "In social studies, we learned about the bald eagle." Ruby  "We learned about money." Samantha "We learned American symbols." Akshara "We had substitute teacher in music." Montana  "We went to gym and music." Ella "We learned the difference between fiction and non fiction." Sage  Someone is happy about learning about coins Penny-Nickel Grab! More Penny-Nickel Grab