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Showing posts from May, 2014

Music Program

Yesterday was our music program and it was a huge success! Here are some snap shots of it!

Sunny Wednesday

Highlights: Cain: Today in writing, we finished up our autobiographies and wrote opinion stories. Evie: Today almost the whole class finished their autobiographies. Nora: Today, we learned how to read and write words with the -un- and -re- prefixes. Elaina: Today, we did a writing assessment on an opinion story. Alex: Today, we went to gym and music. In daily five, we learned about prefixes. Hadley: Today, we identified the theme of a story. Isabella: There are only 7 more days until 2nd grade.


Highlights:  Evie: Today, we read words with the au and aw sounds.  Cain: Today in writing, we finished our writing about our favorite restaurant and we are trying to finish our autobiographies.  Elaina: There are only 11 more days before 2nd grade and we are sad that we are going there.  Alex: Today for morning work, we did a word search for our sight words.  Nora: Today, we identified 2D and 3D shapes in math and build.  Oliver: Today, we had a surprise fire drill. 


Highlights: Elaina: Today in Social studies, we described events using word like past, present, and future.  Alex: Today, we read and wrote words with au and aw sounds. We went to computer and music.  Cain: Today in writing, we wrote our autobiographies so we are done by Friday.  Hadley: Today, we drew conclusions from what we read.  Isabella: Today, we reviewed au and aw sounds.  Kayla: Today, we read our story of the week called Alexander Graham Bell.  Oliver: Today, we planned for our Open House at the end of the year.  Alexander Graham Bell So many smiling faces


Highlights: Oliver: Today, we decided two brain breaks that we are going to do for our Open House.  Hadley: Today, we described events using past, present and future.  Vincent: Today in math, we counted money and gave change with buddies.  Elaina: Today, I brought my trophy to school and showed everyone.  Isabella: There is only 13 more days until 2nd grade. Evie: Today, we counted money. Maddie: Today in writing, we learned that we have to details to support our opinions.  Alexis: Today, we read and words with the short ea chunk. Alex: Today in build, we did a buddy game pretending to buy things from the store.  Nora: Today, we went to gym and music and we sang with Mr. Bryant's class.  Trevor: Today, we finished a book called May Magic. So many memories from an awesome year!


Highlights:  Evie: Today, we read and wrote our new wave words.  Nora: Today, we went to the media center and the ridgedale librarians were there.  Stephanie: Today, we went to music and computer.  Cain: Today in writing, we wrote about our favorite restaurant.  Hadley: Today, we drew conclusions from what we read.  Alex: Today in build, we reviewed counting money. 


Highlights: l Evie: Today,me went to media and art and we got two 5s.  Cain: Today, we had buddies. We read on the hill with thema me then we played kickball with them.  Isabella: Today, we reviewed telling time.  Oliver: We went outside and read on the hill with our buddies.  Hadley: Today in ray, we painted our pinch pop monsters.  Alexis: Today in daily five, we read and wrote words with oi and oy sounds like boy and coin. Nora: Today, we did our spelling test and we got both our spelling test and math test back.  Reading outside with our buddies Trevor and his buddy is loving it!


Kayla: Today, we had our math test.  Trevor: Today, we learned words with the or and er suffixes.  Cain: Today in writing, we went chapter 5 and we wrote about us in preschool. Alexis: Today in science we made observations of our plants and we get to take our brassica and grass plants home.  Nora: Today, we described a pronoun.  Alex: Today, we made observations about our grass plants.  Evie: We didn't have BUILD. 


Highlights:  Evie: Today, we wrote more chapters for our autobiographies.  Cain: Today, we had health and in health, we learned that your body is yours and no one else's.  Stephanie: Today, we went to music and computer.  Kayla: Today, we had a new poem called if you were an inventor.  Maddie: In math, we learned a new buddy game called the difference game.  Hadley: Today, we learned about our feelings.  Nora: Today, we read words with the oi and oy sounds. 

Wacky/Pajama Day

Highlights:  Cain: Today, we wrote about when we were toddlers in our autobiographies.  Bennett: Today, we went to media and art.  Evie: Today, we had buddies and we worked on Mother's Day card.  Elaina: Today, we read and wrote our wave words.  Alexis: Today, we described our amazing word. Isabella: Today, we had our spelling test!  Vincent: We had buddies today!  Hadley: Today, we got new amazing words! 


Highlights: Evie: Today, we compared fractions. Cain: Today in writing, we wrote the introduction for our autobiography. Nora: Today, we went technology and gym. In gym, we did the long jump and we got two 5s. Hadley: Today, we compared and contrasted events from a story. Alexis: Today, we played time match during math. Isabella: Today in math, we learned more about fractions.


Highlights:  Evie: Today, we wrote words the ing and ed endings.  Cain: Today in social studies, we learned about how clocks and calendars are the same and different. Vincent: Today, we described how we measure time in social studies.  Nora: Today, we started our apautobiographies.  Alexis: Today, we compared fractions.  Oliver: Today in gym, we had a substitute and we got two 5s. 

3 Screens Assembly

Highlights: Maddie: Today, we had buddies.  Isabella: Today, we did not have daily five.  Hadley: Today, we read and wrote our wave words. Those wave words are wood, should loved and door.  Oliver: Today, we learned our amazing words and those words are dawn, fond, freedom, miserable, proper, scaly, scarcely, selfish, speckled.  Nora: Today, we had an assembly about that we can do anything that we put our mind too!  Ruka: Today, we had media and art.  Alex: Today, we had buddies and we read with them.  Trevor: Today, we put our new words on the wave wall!  3 Screens Assembly! Such an inspirational talk! Shapes on the iPad

Thursday Fun

Highlights:  Cain: Today in gym, we played tee ball sizzle.  Evie: Today, we wrote word with the ou sound.  Alex: Today, we use descriptive words in our writing.  Nora: Today, we got new writing sheets for the writing center.  Oliver: Today, we went to art and gym and in art, we got to see our pinch pop monsters.  Isabella: Today, we reviewed the strategy called flip the sound.