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Showing posts from April, 2014


Highlights: Elaina: Today, we wrote observations about our brassica plants and a lot of them grew.  Cain: Today is our last upside down day!  Isabella: Today, we watched a video with Oliver, Elaina, and Alex about making the world a better place. Oliver: Today in technology, we started an autobiography. Evie: Today, we went to technology and gym and we got two fives.  Nora: Today, it was Brandon's birthday.  Alexis: Today, we put events in order from a story and it's called sequence.  Kayla: Today, we learned a new cafe strategy called flip the sound.  Working on writing Quotation Marks!

Rainy day

Highlights:  Evie: Today, we got a new poem called Mabel Mole.  Elaina: Today in health, we learned about the brain and how it's helps us talk and listen.  Nora: Today, we learned how to organize our writing.  Isabella: Today, we have a new surfer of the week and her name is Dominique.  Cain: Today in music, we are getting ready for the 1st grade program.  Kayla: Today, we got two 5s in technology and music.  Oliver: Today, we got new wave words and new spelling words. 

Dress like a Teacher Day

Highlights:  Oliver: Today, our buddies came and we made globes of the world. We learned the 7 continents and the oceans.  Nora: Today in art we finished up our pinch pot clay monsters.  Hadley: Today, we named all 7 continents.  Cain: Today in media, we learned how to draw the pigeon from Mo Willems.  Elaina: The seven continents are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica, and Europe.  Evie: Today, we found numbers were missing on our number grid.  Bennett: Today, we went to media and art. 

Math Test Day

Highlights:  Cain: today, we did art and gym. We played kickball.  Evie: Today, we had our math test.  Oliver: Today, we learned a bridge map. We used synonyms and antonyms on them.  Elaina: Today, we were careful workers on our math test.  Hadley: Today, we use cafe strategies to help us read.  Nora: Today, we had severe weather drill. 

Plant Monday

Highlights:  Hadley: Today, we planted a brassica seed.  Evie: Today, we went to music and technology. We got two 5s!  Alex: We read and wrote words with ou and ow sounds.  Elaina: Today, in math, we found fractional parts of whole sets.  Cain: Today, in math, we learned some fractions.  Nora: Today, we read our new wave words.  Trevor: Today, we got a book about plants which the title is called New Plants. 

Adjective Garden

Yesterday, we made an adjective garden. We are learning about adjectives and plants so it was a fun learning experience. Together, we brainstormed as many adjectives about a plant and the made a plant. We knew a lot of adjectives about plants! 


Highlights:  Evie: Today, we described cultures around the world.  Trevor: Today, we read and wrote words the suffixes ly and ful.  Oliver: Today, in gym on the xbox kinect, we did a new event using the javelin.  Elaina: Today, we identified antonyms. Cain: Today, we helped a kid called Brandon fix his writing by using a checklist.  Alexis: Today, we cafe strategies to help us read.  Nora: Today, in math, we learned how to take groups of pennies and share equally. 


Highlights: Cain: Today, we did social studies and we learned that people from different places travel differently. We also did fractions in math. Kayla: Today, we went to technology and gym.  Elaina: Today, we identified cause and effect from a story.  Evie: Today, we learned how to divide objects into equal parts in math.  Hadley: Today, we learned how to add details to our opinion stories.  Aiyana: Today we got a 4 and 5 in gym and technology.  Oliver: In gym, we did rock wall, xbox kinect, and practiced baseball.  Snack Store Cashier! More Snack Store Fun!


Highlights: Evie: Today we got a 5 and a 5 in gym and music.  Cain: Today, we wrote opinion stories about our objects. We sorted them into the line and wrote about which object was the best. Alex: Today in music, we were the only class that got a 5. Elaina: Today, we learned what an antonyms are. They are words that mean the opposite.  Oliver: Today in gym, we had stations and the first one was batting, rocking climbing, long jumping on xbox kinect. Hadley: Today we also learned synonyms and synonyms are words that almost mean the same thing.  Stephanie: Today, we did math. Trevor: We identified objects into halves, thirds, and fourths.  Our snack store cashiers! Busy day at the snack store! Judging our objects to write our opinion pieces! Bennett is writing about why that car is the best! Look at him go!


Highlights: Trevor: Today we started our snack store at snack time.  Oliver: Today, me and Isabella got to be the cashiers and we got free snacks.  Evie: Today, we got a new poem called wonderful neighbors.  Bennett: Today, we went to music and technology.  Hadley: Today, we started a new science journal.  Elaina: Today, two people made it to purple.  Cain: Today, we have a new surfer of the week and that's Stephanie.  Isabella: Today, we learned about fractions.  First Cashiers at the Snack Store! Practicing Fractions on IXL! Brandon goes to the snack store! Equal Parts of the Cracker!

End of the week fun

Highlights: Oliver: Today in art, we started pinch pot monsters out of clay.  Evie: Today, we tricked Mr.Farrington in art.  Trevor: Today, we are getting ready for the snack store. Isabella: Today, our buddies skipped out on us.  Elaina: Today, we had our spelling test.  Alex: Today, we did daily and we read compound words.  Bennett: Today, we went to media and art.  Alexis: Today, we learned how give change. We won the table challenge so we go lunch with Mr. Farrington!

Thursday Fun

Highlights: Cain: Today, we finished our writing about our favorite food.  Vincent: Today, we counted pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars. Kayla: Today, we went to art and gym. Evie: Today, we solved number stories in math.  Hadley: Today in gym, we did our push up and sit up test.  Oliver: Today, in daily five, we learned how to check over our writing.  Alex: Today, in daily five, we used adjectives in our writing.  Elaina: Today, we learned historical facts and fiction. We reviewed people from the past in social studies.  New Math Game: One Dollar Exchange


Highlights:  Evie: Today, we learned about holidays from people in the past.  Hadley: Today, we identified characters, setting and plot of a story.  Cain: Today, Mrs. Hatton visited and we wrote silly sentences. Isabella: Today, we showed numbers with base 10blocks.  Nora: Today was my birthday!  Alexis: Today, we wrote an expository story about our favorite food.  Kayla: Today, we went to technology and gym.  Happy Birthday Nora! Reading our story of the week: Peter's Chair Sharing our reading of Peter's Chair


Highlights:  Alex: Today, we read words ew, ui and ue.  Elaina: Today, we compared contrast different things.  Kayla: Today, we counted counted dollars, nickels, dimes, pennies.  Isabella: Today, we wrote an expository story.  Cain: Today, we wrote about favorite food.  Oliver: Today, we changed our cafe strategies. 


Highlights: Nora: Today, we learned about words with the ue, ui, and ew sounds.  Trevor: Today, we reviewed our coins.  Bennett: Today, we went music and technology.  Isabella: Today, we got new helper and his name is Alex B.  Hadley: Today, we identified compound words.  Alex: Today, we read our new wave words.