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Showing posts from March, 2014


Today, we made 3-d shape collages using our iPads. We used the app called Pic Collage. We walked around the school, snapped photos of 3D shapes and made a collage using the iPad. At the end, we shared our beautiful work with our classmates! It was a great day at Farrington Bay! Can't wait to use the iPads more after spring break!

Shapes, shapes, shapes

Highlights:  Bennett: Today, we identified 2-d and 3d shapes.  Evie: Today, we started an expository story on our favorite friend.  Isabella: Today, we learned about sides, faces, and corners of 2-d and 3-d shapes. Kayla: Today, we went to gym and technology. Elaina: We used our cafe strategies to help us read. Nora: Today with the iPads, we learned how to take pictures of 2-d and 3-d shapes. Then, we made a collage.  Shape Hunt Our Shape Pic Collage! Sharing my collage!

Pajama Day

Highlights: Evie: Today, we got two fives in media and art.  Bennett: In media, we learned about Mo Willems.  Nora: Today, we visited the Nature Center.  Cain: Today, we wrote about animals.  Hadley: Today, we textures of things in art.  Alexis: Today, we learned how to put lines of symmetry in shapes.  Isabella: We learned the long I sound.  Race at the Nature Center So fun Great Friends! Say Cheese

Wacky Day

Highlights:  Oliver: Today, we identifies 3-D shapes.  Bennett: Today, we learned that kn says the n sound and the wr chunk says r.  Evie: Today, we learned how to use voice in our writing.  Elaina: Today, we started an expository story about our favorite animal. Alexis: Today, we learned the difference between realism and fantasy.  Isabella: Today was Wacky Day.  Wacky Hair Day Writing Look at that cool Mohawk! Alex has many colors in his hair today! Cain reads to the class!

St. Patricks Day

Highlights: Evie: Today, we learned what 3-D shapes are.  Alexis: Today, we read words with the long I sound.  Nora: Today in gym and technology, we got two 5s.  Isabella: Today, we were the only class that got a five in gym.  Oliver: Today, we did a project about St. Patricks Day and we made leprechauns.  Kayla: Today, we read our new poem called Night Sights.  Working on her leprechaun! Writing about why I am lucky! We are a very lucky group! Green, Twin Day!


Highlights: Evie: Today, we got two 5s in gym and music.  Cain: Today, we had buddies and we went to their classrooms to make leprechauns for St.patricks Day.  Oliver: Tonight is the night that we get to pie Mr. Farrington at the carnival.  Kayla: Today, we did a project about the Cat in the Hat.  Alex: Today, we describe a polygon. Hadley: Today, we learned our amazing words. 


Highlights:  Maddie: We got two fives.  Elaina: Today, we counted sides and corners of a shape.  Nora: Today, we went music and technology. Vincent: In math, we described and identified different shapes.  Cain: Today, we did social studies and we learned about different families. Trevor: Today, we learned about shapes. 


Highlights: Hadley: We learned about attributes of a shape. Trevor: Today, I shared my poster for surfer of the week.  Evie : Today, we went to art and gym.  Alex: Today, we learned about fossils and some dinosaurs. Maddie: Today, we are writing a new expository story.  Isabella: Today, we reviewed what the authors purpose for writing a story is.  Make a design without peeking! Got mail back from President Obama!

First Day of the Food Drive

Highlights: Cain: Today, we went to technology and gym. Evie: Today, we have a new surfer of the week  and it's Trevor.  Elaina: We used a circle map to brainstorm everything that we know about shapes. Nora: Today, Bennett bought donuts for his birthday.  Oliver: We used a circle map to brainstorm about culture. Isabella: We learn to read words with the long o sound. Happy Birthday Bennett! Celebrating with the birthday boy! Sharing our circle maps about shapes! More sharing...


Highlights: Cain: Today, we wrote to our buddies from New Prague.  Trevor: Today, we went to the play about the Wizard of Oz.  Nora: Today we finished up our stories about our favorite toys.  Alex: We learned new amazing words.  Isabella: Today, we skipped math because we needed to finish our writing.  Our Reading Competition winners! Pizza Treat!


Highlights: Trevor: Today, we added new word work.  Kayla: Today, we had a math test.  Cain: Today, we music and technology.  Alex: We read words with the long e sound.  Isabella: Today, we added more to our expository story.  Nora: Today, on the iPads, we learned how to use quick voice to record our reading.  Recording our reading on the iPad! Listening to my reading on the iPad! Writing using thinking maps! Sharing our writing! More sharing...


Highlights: Elaina: Today, we wrote an opinion story on our favorite toy.  Cain: Today, we did writing and wrote about our favorite toy.  Hadley: Today, we did an experiment on river rocks and tomorrow, we will find out happens.  Maddie: Today, we went to media and art.  Nora: Today, we listened surfer of the week letter and it was funny!  Alex: We added er, es, est and ed to end of words by changing y to I and then adding the endings.  What will happen to our sand and water mixture over night?


Highlights: Elaina: Today, we described different sizes of rocks.  Stephanie: Today, we did a morning greeting.  Isabella: Today, we learned the ea sound.  Maddie: Today, we went to art and gym.  Hadley: Today, we found numbers that are equivalent.  Nora: Today, we did a writing about any person with a circle and tree map.  Alex reads to the class! Look who earned lunch with Mr. Farrington for winning the table challenge! Investigating rock sizes! He might be a geologist someday!


Highlights: Nora: Today, we watched the third grade program.  Vincent: Today, we went to gym and music.  Evie: Today, we read with our buddies and showed our buddies our African American projects.  Trevor: Today, it was Evie's last day as the surfer of the week. Hadley: Today, we used a math textbook.  Isabella: Today was Mrs. Kobbs last day in our classroom. Look at all the books we read in February! African American Mobile!- Happy Black History Month Rosa Parks, George Washington Carver, Barack Obama Sharing our projects with buddies! Evie shares her project! `