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Showing posts from 2014

Tie Blanket Making

Highlights: "Today in gym, we played a game called operation snowman." Elliott  "Today, we made tie blankets." Montana  "Today, we went to the Nature Center and we fed some animals." Ruby  "Today, we had our math test." Lola  "We had a surfer of the week and her name is Sage." Samantha  "We had handwriting." Emma We battled with the cold and won! Tie Blankets Done! Hard at Work 

Wednesday Fun

Highlight:  "Today, we learned about syllables in words." Akshara  "Today, we made a video for TNN about showing Trojan Pride in the classroom." Srikar  "Today, we went computer lab and music and I did what's in the box in technoloy." Montana "Today in math, we got ready for our math test." Ruby  "Today at math choice time, we got new choices." Navin  "Today, we reviewed how to measure objects using inches." Samantha  "We learned how to compare and contrast two things from a story." Samantha  "Today in computer lab, we did computer programming." Jeremy 

Terrific Tuesday

Highlights:  "Today in gym, we played floor hockey with goalies." Megan  "Today, we learned about Hanukkah." Ruby  "Today, we made a Menorah." Montana  "Today, we had art and gym." Sage  "WE learned how to identify nouns in sentences." Jeremy  "We learned how to compare and contrast two things using a double bubble." Samantha 

Rainy Monday

Highlights:  "Today in health, we learned about medicine." Emma "Today in art, we played with play-doh and we watch Rio 2." Montana "Today, we used a double bubble map to compare and contrast Emma and Sage." Akshara "We went to media and art." Ella  "We learned about sums in math." Ruby  "Today, we worked on our number scrolls." Sage  "We measured a line in math." Keimyia  "Today, we can write stories that make sense." Samantha 

St. Lucia Day

Highlights:  "Today, we wrote numbers past 100." Lola  "Today, we learned when a word means one or more than one." Akshara "Today in gym, we played pinguard." Megan "Today, we gave gingersnaps to all the boys and girls. We acted like St. Lucia and starboy." Jeremy  "Today, we had long u practice." Montana "Today, we learned about St. Luica Day." Sage 


Highlights:  "Today, we wrote our final small moment story." Askhara  "Today, we made gingerbread girls and boys with our buddies." Ruby  "Today in gym, we played musical dots and I thought it was so fun." Jeremy  "We went computer lab and gym." Ella  "Today, we had our writing assessment." Sage 

Book Creation

Highlights:  "We learned words with the -ed- sound." Lola  "Today, we learned how to use a timeline." Akshara  "We went to the computer lab and music." Ella  "Today, we were working to publish our stories." Srikar  "In computer, we had a substitue." Ruby  "Today in computer lab, we used kid pix to make a snowman." Jeremy  "Today in music, we watched a movie." Samantha  "Today, we worked on book creator." Sage 

Tuesday Fun

Highlights: "We learned how to tell time to the quarter hour." Akshara "Today, we described why an author writes a story." Lola  "Today, Samantha got on the Hall of fame in gym." Samantha  "Today, it was our last day that we worked on our small moment stories and we used book creator." Srikar  "Today, we went to gym for a little and then we went to art." Jeremy  "We learned about telling time. When it is at the 3, it is quarter past and when it is at the 9, it is quarter 9." Sage  George reads to our class. Using book creator to write our small moment stories.

St. Nicholas Visits

Highlights:  "Today, we did a candy cane." Ruby  "Today, we revised our small moment stories." Lola  "At gym, we played team pin guard." Navin " Today in music, we watched a movie." Sage  "Today, we measured our body parts using tape measures." Akshara "Today, we made a candy cane and got a candy cane from St. Nicholas." Srikar 

Getting Ready for St. Nicholas Day

Highlights:  "Today at technology, we did computer programming." Elliott "Today, we learned a new cafe strategy. Its called skip the word, then come back." Yojit  "Today, we had buddies." Samantha  "Today, we wrote a letter to Mrs. Bonsen." Sage  "Today, we edited our small moment stories." Lola  "Today in gym, we shut off the lights and scared Mr. Zobrack." Tarik  "Today, we measured objects using standard measurements." Akshara


Highlights:  "Today, we learned about holidays around the world." Sage "Today, we learned about contractions." Akshara  "We went to computer lab and music." Ella "At technology, we learned a new game." Elliott "Today, we learned how to measure things using standard units." Lola  "Today in music, we learned a new game." Ruby  "Today in technology, we did angry birds on the computer." Jeremy  "Today, we learned about sequences." Yojit 

Freezing Monday

Highlights: "Today, we did spelling." Ruby "Today for social studies, we worked in groups." Srikar  "Today, we learned how to measure objects using non standard units." Akshara  "Today, we learned how people get the things they need." Samantha "Today, we had new IXL choices." Jeremy  "Today, we did surfer of the week." Emma  "Today, we learned about manners." Sage  "Today in Social Studies, we descrbed how people get what they need." Lola 

Career Day

Highlights: "Today, it was career day and a bunch of people came from their jobs to talk about it." Sage  "In the morning, we saw two doctors and a police officer." Montana "Today in career day, we wrote about what we did." Ruby  "Today instead of math, we did free choice." Lola  "Today, it was career day and we got a lip smacker and some stickers and a tattoo from a nurse." Emma 

Thanksgiving Feast

Highlights:  "Today, we had firemen visit our school to talk about our job." Lola  "Today, we had our thanksgiving feast." Sage "Today, we three turkey projects." Montana  "Today in gym, we played Star Wars." Ruby  "Today, we made thanksgiving hats." Srikar "Today the firefighters cam to tell us what to do when there is a fire." Emma 

Friday Fun

Highlights:  "Today in technology, we did tux painting." Jeremy  "Today, we had an assembly." Srikar  "In music, we watched a music." Elliott "When we went down to the gym, we saw a Native American dance." Keimyia  "Before the assembly, we ate snack." Natalia  "Today, we use an editing checklist before we published our writing." Lola  "Today, we learned about Native Americans." Ruby  "Today, we did Daily Five." Emma 

Thursday Fun

Highlights: "Today in gym, we played a ship game." Ruby  "Today, we learned how to read thermometers." Akshara  "At gym, we played a game called sink the ship." Elliott  "Today, we described the work people do for jobs." Lola "Today in art, we created our sketch books."Megan  "Today, we learned how to write special title."  "Today, we had a new math choice called roll, add, color." Jeremy 


Highlights: "Today, we learned why an author writes a story." Akshara  "Today, we did our math test." Ruby  "Today in math, we had a new choice on hands on math called odd and even turykey." Jeremy  "Today, we had buddies." Srikar  "Today, we learned a new cafe strategy called asking questions while reading." Samantha  "Today, we learned about author's purpose." Lola  "Today, we had media and art." Tarik  "Today, we read to our buddies and our buddies got a trojan pride ticket." Montana 

Chilly Monday

Highlights:  "Today in computer lab, we did co writer." Ruby  "Today, we had nature center." Samantha  "Today in gym, we had battle ship." Sage  "Today, we learned how to build our math skills." Srikar "Today, we learned throw to write tall, short and basement letters." Yojit "Today, we got new sight words." Lola 

Short u day

Highlights:  "Today, we had our spelling test." Akshara  "Today in our small moment stories, we used 4 steps." Ruby  "We learned how to tell why things happen in a story and that's called cause and effect." Lola  "Today, we had technology and we did kid picks." Jeremy  "Today, we celebrated the short u and we had gum." Montana  "Today, we explored book creator on the iPad." Srikar  "Today, we got to bring a stuff animal to hug." Yojit 

Short o day

Highlights:  "We learned how to saving money. We learned in writing how we can use action words." Lola  "Today, we learned how to find proper nouns." Sage  "Today in gym, we played Pokemon and we played angry birds. Then, we did we tried to knock down pins and pumpkins." Ruby  "Today, we learned how to add numbers on dominoe." Akshara  "Today in art, we made animals." Sincere  " today we went to gym and art." Navin "Today at snack we got to eat popcorn for the short o." Elliott