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Showing posts from November, 2013

Thankful Monday

Highlights:  Oliver-Today, we had our math test.  Evie- Today, we went to gym and music.  Ruka- Today, we did Daily Five.  Alexis- Today, we reviewed the authors purpose.  Nora- Today, we read a chapter book, which was very entertaining.  Manasi- Today, we learned our amazing and we learned about charts. 

Nature Center

Highlights:  Manasi- Today, we did a project and went to the Nature Center.  Hadley- Today, we wrote a teaching book.  Ruka- Today, we went to the Nature Center  Oliver- Today, we reviewed author's purpose.  Evie- Today, we went to music and technology. Nora- Today, we reviewed our wave words. 


Highlights:  Manasi- Today in social studies, we described how people spend and save money.  Evie- Today, we went to media and art.  Alexis- Today, we took AR tests in the library.  Oliver- Today, we reviewed how to count pennies, nickels and dimes.  Isabella- Today, Mrs. Keffeler observed our class.  Trevor- Today, we did centers.  Bennett- Today, we reviewed all of our cafe strategies. 

Wednesday Fun

Highlights:  Hadley- Today, we reviewed what a plus sign is and a minus sign is.  Evie- Today, we had art and gym.  Oliver- Today, we learned a new cafe strategy called skip the word and then come back.  Vincent- Today, we learned the wh, ch and tch chunks.  Bennett- Today, we learned a game in gym called recycle.  Elaina- Today, we added and subtracted on a number line.  Ruka- Today, we count backwards from 100. Isabella- Today, we learned about littering and recycling. 

Wednesday Fun

Highlights: Oliver- Today, we wrote about Mr. Farrington.  Vincent- Today, we reviewed how to count backwards from 100.  Hadley- Today, we described producers and consumers.  Evie- Today, we reviewed how to tell time.  Cain- Today, we went to technology and gym.  Manasi- Today, we described what the authors purpose for writing a story.  Nora read to Brandon today during choice time. 

Happy Birthday!

Highlights:  Manasi- Today, we did writing.  Alex- Today, we counted back from 100 to 0. Oliver- Today, we learned the long I sound. Vincent- We have a new poem.  Evie- We went to gym and music.  Kayla- Today, we did daily five.  Elaina- Today, we wrote a book.  Happy to Trevor! He is 7 today! 

Spirit Day

Highlights: Trevor- Today, we did read Froggy Plays in the Band. Vincent- Today,we read with our buddies. Oliver- Today, we learned how to analyze data. Alexis- Today, we had music and technology. Nora- Today, we celebrated Sunset Hill.  Elaina- Today, we learned what a multi flow map is.  Maddie- This morning, we glued our spelling words in our word books. 

90s Day

Highlights:  Oliver- Today, we review how to count pennies, nickels and dimes.  Cain- Today, we went to art and media.  Hadley- We learned about goods and services.  Manasi- Today, we wrote about Ms.Keffeler using a circle and tree map.  Kayla- Today, we did math.  Trevor- Today, we did social studies.  Isabella- Today, we did Daily Five! 

80s Day

Highlights:  Cain: Today, we went to gym and art. Evie- Today, we played Mr. Z's favorite game from his childhood Trevor- Today, we drew pictures in art. Manasi- Today, we learned what a dime is and what it's worth. We also wrote three sentences from a tree map. Hadley- Today, we read Bennett's parent letter and learned that he likes animals a lot.  Elaina- Today, we described a dime. Kayla- Today, we did Daily Five. 

70s Day

Highlights from today Trevor- Today, we went to technology and gym. Nora- Today was read your heart out day at sunset hill. Evie- Mrs. Keffeler read to us today. Oliver- Today, we did a project at technology.  Maddie- Today,p was our last team challenge at gym. Manasi- Today, we skipped counted in a calculator. Cain- Today, we took pictures at technology.  Elaina- Today, we learned a new cafe strategy called use punctuation. 

Thankful Monday

Highlights from today:  Alex- Today, we learned about the long a sound.  Maddie- Today, we were one of the only two classes to get 5s.  Nora- Today, we learned new wave words.  Evie- Today, we got our spelling words.  Isabella- We read a book called Duck on a Bike by our author of the month David Shannon.  Hadley- We went to gym and music.  Manasi- Today, we wrote about things that we were thankful for and made thankful trees.  Vincent- Today, we did a project.

Telling time Tuesday

Highlights: Oliver: Today, we learned a new strategy called reread text. Bennett: Today, we learned about needs and wants. Manasi: Today, we wrote a small moment story and learned how to self assess our stories.  Hadley: Today, we learned how to tell time to the half hour.  Ruka: Today, we read words with th and sh. 

Monday, Monday

Highlights from surfers:  Kayla: Today, we did Daily Five.  Manasi: Today we went to art and gym. In gym, we played Lava.  Ruka: Today,we wrote a small moment story. Bennett: Today, we learned about plus signs and minus signs. Hadley: Today, we learned how to count up and back on a number line.  Evie: We did BUILD today. Elaina: Today, we added and subtracted on a number line.  Trevor: Today, we chose new cafe strategies to practice to help us become better readers.