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Showing posts from October, 2013

Awesome Day

Highlights from Farrington Bay: Isabella- We did a science review on air and weather. Evie- We went technology and music.  Vincent- Today, we learned a Build choice and it is called scoop, draw, count.  Oliver- Today, we reviewed how to use a circle and tree map. Hadley- Today, we reviewed our wave words.  Alexis- Today, we counted backwards from 100. Alex- Today, we learned new build games for U.

Art Day

Highlights from the surfers: Trevor- We counted 2s, 5s and 10s on a number grid.  Nora- We had media and art. Manasi- Today, we did Daily Five.  Vincent- Today, we learned about work in a community. Ruka- Today, we learned about odd and even numbers. Maddie- Today, we learned a new strategy called predict what will happen. Isabella- We learned a new buddy game called even Steven and odd Todd!  Elaina- Today, we learned about nouns!  Our surfer of the week read to the class! 

Odd and Even

Here is what we did and learned today. Kayla- Today, we went to gym and art. Trevor- Today, we learned a new poem and its called Our Family. Oliver- Today, we read words with sh and th  Alex- Today, we learned about even and odd numbers.  Isabella- Today, we got a new reading textbook. Nora- Today, we learned about anemometer and wind vane. Elaina- Today, we learned how to work as a team in gym.  Manasi- Today, we have new sights words and they are catch, good, put, no and want. 

The Five Day at Farrington Bay

Here are some things that we did/learned today: Bennett- Today, we got two fives in gym and music.  Trevor- Today, we checked our math test.  Evie- We wrote a small moment story.  Oliver- We reviewed the cafe strategy: blend sounds. Vincent- In music, we learned a new song. Alex- We learned how to make a sense that makes sense. Maddie- We learned how to spell words we do not know.  Kayla- Today in math, we did patterns. 

Math Test Day

Here are highlights from today. Bennett- Today, we had a math test.  Nora- Today, we went to music.  Manasi- Today, we went to technology.  Evie- Today, we picked cafe strategies to work on.  Elaina- In social studies, we reviewed my school and my community. Cain- Today, we learned about a new cafe strategy: blend sounds. 

Pumpkin Day

Here are some highlights from today from the surfers: Elaina- Today, we did a project about the life cycle of a pumpkin.  Kayla- Today, we did Daily Five.  Bennett- Today, we went to art and media.  Trevor- Today, we did Build.  Evie- In art, we painted art birds. Manasi- We count by 2s. We learned about a flow map too. Oliver- Today, we learned a new cafe strategy called blend sounds.  Ruka- Today, we learned how to count pennies and nickels. Alexis- Today, we used a tree map to write about firefighters. 

Racing Day

Highlights of things we learned today from the surfer: Alexis- Today, we did Daily Five.  Maddie- We had races in the gym.  Isabella- We learned about a rain gauge that is used to measure rain.  Trevor- Today, we had a new poem called animals under our sun.  Manasi- We learned how to use Spelling City on the iPad.  Bennett- Today, we learned how to paint with a tissue paper. Elaina- Today, we learned how to tell time by the hour.  Alex- We read words with the short u sound. Mr. Farrington- We learned our new wave words.  Here is a picture of Alex and Cain after finishing a puzzle. Great Job! 

The Cool Pajama Day at Farrington Bay

Here is what happened today from the surfers: Vincent- We had a short week. Trevor- Today, we did daily five.  Nora- Today, our buddies came to read with us. Alex- We went to technology and gym.  Evie- We wore our pajamas and brought our stuffed animals to school. Alexis- We got to play with our stuffed animals. Elaina- We read our wave words.  Cain- We learned how to count on a number grid. Have a great long weekend! 

Fire Safety

A look at our day from the surfers!  Bennett-today we learned about fire safety. Nora- today, we learned stop, drop and roll.  Kayla- today, we did daily five.  Trevor- today, we did BUILD. Vincent- we learned all the sounds on our highly recurring phonemic elements. Evie- today we had a test at gym.  Ruka- today, we went to music.  Cain- we went in a time machine during music time.  Hadley- today we filled our bucket and we get to have a pajama party with a stuffed animal. 

Daily Five

Here is a peek into our day from the surfers: Nora- today, we learned about clouds.  Trevor- today we went to technology.  Elaina- today we learned about the shift key in the technology.  Evie- today, we wrote in our journals about our weekend.  Hadley- today, for the first, we got to make choices for the daily five. We did a great job! Bennett- we learned about cirrus clouds.  Alex- we learned about stratus clouds. Mr. Farrington- we practicing reading words with the short vowel sounds. 

Listening to reading on iPads and computers

Here's what we learned from the surfers.  Isabella- we learned about the thermometer. Alex- we can count backwards from 50. Bennett- today we added some new words to our science taxonomy. Manasi- we learned new sounds on our highly recurring phonics elements poster. Oliver- we learned how to play a new math game called show the time. Nora- today we learned how to use a thermometer. Cain- we learned how to show Trojan pride.  Mr. Farrington- we learned how to identify a telling sentence.  Here are some pictures of us listening to reading on the iPad and computer.

Cool day at Farrington Bay

Here's what we learned from the surfers: Manasi- we learned a new thing on the iPad called tumble books.  Hadley- we learned how to play penny nickel exchange. Isabella- in social studies, we added new words on our taxonomy.  Evie- we learned about pennies and nickels. Alex- we learned how to count by 2s and 5s.  Elaina- we learned words that have that short e in it!  We had an awesome day at Farrington Bay!

Picture Day

It was picture day today and those surfers surely looked great! Take a peek at some highlights from our day. Have a great night! 


Today, we had our buddies for the first time. It was so much fun meeting our buddies! Other highlights included: word work choices, making our spiders to go with the story 'The Very Busy Spider', and taking our first spelling tests! We had a great week! Thank you to our awesome surfer of the week, Nora! Remember to read every day this weekend and practice IXL activities!