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Showing posts from September, 2013

Spelling begins

Today, we began word work. We learned how to sort our spelling words and do some word work activities. We also learned how to use calculators during math time. Remember to practice those spelling words, complete your math home link and read for 15 minutes. 

Friday Madness

Today, we completed our 19th day of first grade. It was so much fun! Highlights from today were: writing small moment stories and learning different ways to make 10. We also learn about cooperation and conflicts. Do you know some ways that you can solve a conflict? Have a great weekend and remember to read every day!

What does air do under water?

Today was another learning filled day at Farrington Bay! Highlights from our day included: writing our first small moment story and our second science investigation! Air under Water!!! What a great day to be a surfer at Farrington Bay! 

Birthdays and other news from Wednesday!

Today, we celebrated Elaina's birthday! It was a fun time! We continued Daily Five. We also learned how to sign in and out of IXL Math. Feel free to practice A12 as we practiced it at school today. Finally, we learned about rights and responsibilities in Social Studies.  Logging onto IXL Math IXL Happy Birthday! Lots of smiles and icings from Farrington Bay today!

Our favorite things to do

Today, we wrote about our favorite things to do! We used a writing frame to help us produce sentences. We remembered to start our sentences with capitals and end them with periods! Great job surfers!

Gift Wrapping Fundraiser and other Thursday News

Today, we kick off our gift wrapping fundraiser at school. Check your child's binder for information about the event. Let's work together to raise money for our school! We continued to work on the Daily Five by introducing a brand new choice! We learned how to read to someone. Ask your child about EEKK.We also used our iPads during math time!  Elbow to elbow, Knee to Knee! Gift Wrapping Fundraiser Let's raise money for our school! She can count by 5s! He can too! Practicing writing our numbers on the iPad! Writing our numbers to 40 on the iPad! I read to you and you read to me! Great partner reading!

Constitution Day...One Day Later

Yesterday was Constitution Day! We talked about it yesterday and made our very own classroom Preamble today! Check it out below! We will work to follow it all school year. Our Preamble

Terrific Tuesday 09/17/13

What a day to be at Farrington Bay! We continued practicing our routines, especially reading to self and work on writing. Also, we did a fun math exploration activity to explore all our new math tools! Finally, we set up our science journals! We can't wait to start learning about air and weather! Read to self! More read to self  Roll and tally! Geoboards More shapes with geoboards Building structures Setting up our science journals!

Friday Fun

Today was another awesome day at Farrington Bay! Can you believe we completed 9 days already? We LOVE to write! Got a little visit from an insect! Learning to share the iPad! We practiced read to self and work on writing. We even saw a butterfly that hatched an hour before! Finally, we began learning how to use our iPads! Have a great weekend and remember to read for 15 minutes every night! 

Tally Mark Fun

Yesterday, we practiced making tally marks. We rolled a die and marked a tally every time we rolled a number. If you have those materials at home, it would be a fun way to practice making tally marks!  Tally Mark fun with Hadley and Oliver! Cain did a great job rolling and tallying!
Here is where you can sign up to volunteer in our classroom. We LOVE volunteers so sign up if you are available! Thanks in advance for all your help!
We are off to a great start this school year! We are definitely learning all of our routines quickly and are off to a fast start. It truly is going to be a great year and we couldn't be more excited about all the fun things to come. Here are some snapshots of our first couple days!  Learning our fun math games! Ask your child to show you how to play Monster Squeeze.  We are working on building our stamina during work on writing time as well.  And another...Nice job Cain and Stephanie!  Look at our April birthdays! And the July ones! Be sure to practice reading at home! Remember the expectation is 15 minutes. Happy Reading!