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Highlights:  Hadley- Today, we had our buddies.  Evie- Today, we went to gym and music.  Maddie- Today, we got two 5s. Elaina- Today, we continued to write our teaching books.  Trevor- Today, we did our math test.  Cain- Today was the last of volleyball. 

Rocking Tuesday

Highlights: Trevor- Today, we wrote a teaching book.  Alexis- Today, we made a number scroll.  Manasi- Today, we watched Monsters University in art.  Elaina- We wrote numbers beyond 100. Evie - Today, we went art and media. Nora- Today, we did a double bubble map.  Mr.Farrington- We had Nature Center inside. 

Ruka's Last Day

Highlights:  Alex: Today, we made gingerbread boys and girls and wrote about them. Evie: Today, we went to gym and technology.  Nora- Today, we got one 5 and one 4 at specialists.  Oliver- Today, we wrote about Alex on a circle and tree map.  Elaina- Today, Ruka gave us cookies because it is her last day.

Snowy Monday

Highlights:  Manasi- Today, we learned about a bubble map. Vincent- Today, we went to art and gym. Nora- Today in art and gym, we watched monsters university.  Oliver- Today, we learned to teach our readers using pictures and words.  Kayla- Today, we did Daily Five. Alex- Today, we got a two 5s. 

We measured today!

Alexis- Today, we went to technology and music.  Oliver- Today, we wrote 3 sentences with adjectives about Alex. Trevor- Today, we reviewed authors purpose. Evie- Today, we reviewed how to use a circle map.  Bennett- Today, we learned how to use thinking maps.  Manasi- In technology, we made a snowman in kid pix. Hadley- Today, we learned how to use a tape measure.

Frigid Tuesday

Highlights: Oliver- Today, we reviewed the authors purpose for writing a story.  Hadley- Today, we measure length objects to the nearest inch.  Evie- Today, we went to media and art.  Nora- Today, we wrote teaching stories.  Kayla- Today, we wrote about Alex.  Stephanie- Today, we did math.  Ruka- Today, we read the words with the -Ed- endings. Elaina- Today, we had a visitor and she was Mrs. Hatton.  Learning to play the new game BUMP!

New week at Farrington Bay

Highlights: Trevor- Today, we went to art and gym. Evie- Today, we made snow globes in art.  Alexis- Today in gym, we played pin guard. Elaina- Today, we described how people get what the need.  Manasi- Today, we reviewed work in community. Hadley- Today, we did Daily Five.  Ruka- Today, we wrote a teaching book.  Isabella-Today, we reviewed how to measure objects.  Ruka reading her heart out! Make your own Frames and Arrows iPad Fun! Who says we can't listen to math?

Career Day

Highlights: Oliver-Today, we had career day and lots of people came and told us about their jobs.  Evie- We went to technology and gym today.  Alexis- Today in gym we played pin guard. Trevor- Today, we read our wave words.  Kayla- Today, we did Daily Five. Hadley- Today, we did a project about Career Day  Stephanie- Today, we got two fives in gym and technology. Manasi- Today, we did our spelling test. 

Thursday, Thursday

Highlights from today:  Evie- We went to gym and music.  Nora- Today, we wrote questions for the visitors who are coming tomorrow.  Oliver- Today, we wrote about dinosaurs on a circle and tree map.  Alexis - In music, we watched a funny movie.  Manasi- Today, Kayla shared her favorite things.  Alex- Today, we did an awesome job in music and gym.  Cain- Today, we played volleyball.  Trevor- Today, we watched a video about jobs. Ruka- Today, we did BUILD. Maddie- Today was the 61st day in first grade.

Thankful Monday

Highlights:  Oliver-Today, we had our math test.  Evie- Today, we went to gym and music.  Ruka- Today, we did Daily Five.  Alexis- Today, we reviewed the authors purpose.  Nora- Today, we read a chapter book, which was very entertaining.  Manasi- Today, we learned our amazing and we learned about charts. 

Nature Center

Highlights:  Manasi- Today, we did a project and went to the Nature Center.  Hadley- Today, we wrote a teaching book.  Ruka- Today, we went to the Nature Center  Oliver- Today, we reviewed author's purpose.  Evie- Today, we went to music and technology. Nora- Today, we reviewed our wave words. 


Highlights:  Manasi- Today in social studies, we described how people spend and save money.  Evie- Today, we went to media and art.  Alexis- Today, we took AR tests in the library.  Oliver- Today, we reviewed how to count pennies, nickels and dimes.  Isabella- Today, Mrs. Keffeler observed our class.  Trevor- Today, we did centers.  Bennett- Today, we reviewed all of our cafe strategies. 

Wednesday Fun

Highlights:  Hadley- Today, we reviewed what a plus sign is and a minus sign is.  Evie- Today, we had art and gym.  Oliver- Today, we learned a new cafe strategy called skip the word and then come back.  Vincent- Today, we learned the wh, ch and tch chunks.  Bennett- Today, we learned a game in gym called recycle.  Elaina- Today, we added and subtracted on a number line.  Ruka- Today, we count backwards from 100. Isabella- Today, we learned about littering and recycling. 

Wednesday Fun

Highlights: Oliver- Today, we wrote about Mr. Farrington.  Vincent- Today, we reviewed how to count backwards from 100.  Hadley- Today, we described producers and consumers.  Evie- Today, we reviewed how to tell time.  Cain- Today, we went to technology and gym.  Manasi- Today, we described what the authors purpose for writing a story.  Nora read to Brandon today during choice time. 

Happy Birthday!

Highlights:  Manasi- Today, we did writing.  Alex- Today, we counted back from 100 to 0. Oliver- Today, we learned the long I sound. Vincent- We have a new poem.  Evie- We went to gym and music.  Kayla- Today, we did daily five.  Elaina- Today, we wrote a book.  Happy to Trevor! He is 7 today! 

Spirit Day

Highlights: Trevor- Today, we did read Froggy Plays in the Band. Vincent- Today,we read with our buddies. Oliver- Today, we learned how to analyze data. Alexis- Today, we had music and technology. Nora- Today, we celebrated Sunset Hill.  Elaina- Today, we learned what a multi flow map is.  Maddie- This morning, we glued our spelling words in our word books.